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Harry's POV...

"Ahhh!!" I wake up with searing pain down in my lower abdomen. It feels like someone stabbed me.

"Harry? Harry!" Louis groans then jumping to his feet grabs my arms. Their both wrapped around my stomach tightly. I scream out from the pain.

What the hell is going on? I feel like dying right now. My head whips back as Louis puts pressure.

"Lou!!! Stop now, it hurts!! Oh fuck!" I burry my head in the pillows. Louis flinches back and the door flies open.

"What in bloody hell is going on in here?" It's Niall. His hair is messed up in a bunch of knots. I put out my hand and point to my stomach. I feel a stabbing pain go through me again before crying out and doubling over in pain.

My head bounces off the floor. I fall on my arm which makes it worse. Breathing all of a sudden gets hard.

"Let me help..." Niall reaches down and grabs my left arm. Louis gives him a deathly glare that tells him to leave.

"Lou, please. I want to help you. I'm sorry about what happened last night. But all you have to be worried about right now is your husband. C'mon!" Louis' face softens at the words and looks towards me. He lifts me up only to trigger another deathly current.

"DADDY?" I hear Stephanie's voice from out in the hallway. I look over and see tears brimming over her eyes. I fake a painful smile and grab her hand.

"Daddy will be back sweetheart. I promise. I love you s-s-sooo m-much...." The last words are barely audible. Zayn grabs her bad pulls her into his room putting her on the bed with Perrie. Liam also then comes out in only boxers.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Liam sounds worried all of a sudden. All this company makes it worse. My breathing gets very heavy. I feel like there's someone pushing on my chest.

My eyes are drooping down into the darkness. The pain is just as worse as my eyes close after seeing Louis start to cry.

Liam's POV...

My head races when I see the boys all crowded around a passed out Harry. I hear crying on the other side of Zayns room. Must be Steph. My instinct is to grab him, sling him over my shoulder and carry him downstairs where I can get help.

"Could someone press the button for me?" I turn around as Louis presses the button facing down. I pat his shoulder and wipe away a stray tear.

"Hey, he's gonna be fine, kay?" He nods and sniffs. I look at Harry's small lifeless body and sigh.

Will he be able to perform? Will he be able to even stand? These questions rush through my head as I step into the elevator. Louis clicks lobby and down we go.

The elevator stops and opens to a bunch of girls. I groan and close my eyes, leaning my head on the wall.

"Oh my god! Harry Styles is hurt!" They all rush in taking in the sight in my arms. What would Harry do? Think Payne think...

"Aye, give the mate some space will yah?" The girls nod at me and step away. I notice one girl has a tear that she's wiping away.

But the blond keeps staring at me like I'm crazy. Like she would die for me to touch her...

"Louis, what time is it?" I ask. His head snaps up with a few tears and he checks his phone.

"8:36." He says flatly. His voice isn't cheery like it used to be. The elevator FINALLY opens and I hear the sirens coming towards us. I race over to the door and see the blinding lights all over. My eyes scan over the ice and then notice a pair of shoes I saw yesterday.

It's Eleanor. Why the hell is she here? She doesn't even care! Jesus Christ!

"Lou! OMG what happened?" She asks all concerned like. I roll my eyes and leave up to Louis.

"H-Harry w-woke up in p-pain..." He stutters. I look over to see him sitting down on a bench covered in snow. The ambulance pulls up and immediately takes Harry out of my hands.

"Only one can come..." Louis quickly jumps in the back and grabs Harry's hand. He kisses it slowly and softly.

"You good? Wanna follow at all?" I shake my head no.

"Nah, I'll find them later. Thank you though! Means a lot." He nods and shakes my hand. Whoa, firm grip! They hop into the ambulance and soon, their gone.

"Liam right?" There's papi surrounding us. I nod my head slowly.

"I don't think we met completely the other day, sorry bout that! I'm Eleanor! Eleanor Calder!" I nod ad shake her hand. I don't make eye contact and stick with gluing my eyes to the floor.

I walk slowly back up the stairs to our room. I unlock it and bombarded with questions. I hold up my hands and shush them.

"Harry will be perfectly fine!"


Sooo like it's amaz balls! Lol anyways, 12 votes till next chapter? Maybe at least 20? Idk, thanks tho! Love y'all!

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