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Enjoy peoples!!

Harry's pov..

"Hello Mr. Styles! We would like to talk about why you are here. Why do you think?" The judge asks. I swallow. My hands are shaky and sweaty.

"I, personally, don't know sir!" I say truthfully.

"Okay well let me tell you then. You are here because you have had innocent girls send naked pics of themselves to you on twitter!" He says, more harshly. What?

"Hold on! I have no clue what you talking about! Seriously, sir!" I try to tell him.

"Prove it."

"Well my twitter account is right here." I say handing him my phone. He scrolls down the pictures and looks closely. You can't really delete anything off your profile. He looks back up at me.

"Then how do you explain this?" He says shoving a picture of a naked girl in my face. I gasp.

"I-I don't know!" I stutter. He hands me my phone.

"Yeah right! Now is there anyone here to object this man in prison for 4 months?" He asks. Just then the door flings open.

"Harry! What the hell is going on?" Louis asks. Tears spring to my eyes as I run over to him.

"Louis! I'm so glad you are here!" I say crying and hugging him.

"Would you like to defend this?" Te judge says pointing his banger thing at me. Louis pushes me off.

"Excuse me sir? This is my fiancé and soon to be husband. He's not a thing. And yes I would like to object. This 'thing' you called is a sweet boy that I know would never do anything like that. He is gay! Come on! For Pete's sake people, we are talking about the wonderful, Harry styles here! Now I would like to prove my po....."

"SIR WE GOT HIM!" A guard says rushing in. Everyone looks. A guy that handcuffed walks in. He looks at me and smiles. Oh god.

"Who is this guy?" The judge asks.

"Well on twitter, he acted like Harry styles and made girls post nude pics of themselves. This is the man your looking for." The guard says.

"Ha! Told ya!" I tell the judge.

"Harold! Stop it!" Louis tells me. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Okay well I would like to say that I'm terribly sorry, Harry! For causing you. You can leave now!"

"I'm outta here suckers! Lets go Lou! Get me out of this hell!" I say. The judge stares as we leave. When we get outside Louis snaps at me.

"Harold Styles! That was not nice for you to say to a judge. He said sorry!" Louis says snatching my arm.

"Well I was glad to get out!" I say.

"Come on! Stephanie is in the car with Liam. You get 35 when we get home! I am fed up with this bullshit of yours!" He says."And yes, I just cussed because I am embarrassed any mad. So get in the car." He says shoving me in. I buckle up.

"Sorry Lou!" I say. He puts his hand on my thigh the whole way home. Oh boy.


Did any of you hear about this accident? It actually happened! Except the whole Larry thing, it did! And Harry is going to be spanked next chapter! Enjoy!

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