My Nightmare

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Harry's pov..

Niall died. He died right when Zayn got there. When I woke up next to Louis the doctors rushed me out.

"Why?! Louis! Louis!" I scream. I get pushed out of the room. My heart stops. What if he's hurt? What if he's dead already? I start to cry. How do I know Niall died? They told me last night at 1:00am! The doctor woke me up and told me. I cried of course it's just I couldn't help but look at Louis for comfort. He was just laying there. I get up and run to Liam's room. No ones there!

"Sir the patient there died last night." A doctor says. I look around and run. Everyone's dying. I run to Zayns house. It says for sale. I knock on it. Zayns mom opens it and is crying.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask.she tries to hug me. I back away.

"He's dead Harry. Dead!" She screams as his dad comforts her.

"How?" I croak out with all the sniffling.

"He got shot. Someone shot him last night. Sorry!" He says closing the door. Okay now I'm dying. I cry and cry! It's non-stop! I run back to the hospital to Louis' room. He's laying there, not breathing, eyes closed. I go over to him.

"Louis?" I ask. He doesn't answer.

"LOUIS?! ANSWER ME!" I scream. The doctor rushes in.

"He dead hun. I'm so sorry!" She says. I look to her. I punch her in the face.

"Thanks for nothing!" I say running out. My life, my career is ruined! Jus completely ruined. There no point in living rich now. No point. I call the police.

"I'm killing myself by the river! Collect my body afterwards. Thanks life!" I say. He tries to speak but I hang up. I get to the river and quickly tie a Angkor to my feet. I push myself in the water an drown. I struggle for air but it's no use. Blackness takes over my



"AHH! NO! LOUIS! LIAM NIALL ZAYN?! COME BACK! CAN'T BREATH!" I wake up screaming. It was just a dream. Louis wakes up and hugs me. My tears soak his neck. He looks me in the eyes.

"Bend over. Bum facing me!" He says. I frown but do as told. He spanks me. I cry out. I count. Only 10 times.


That's for cussing in your sleep. I smile and hug him. He hugs back and kisses me.

"My nightmare was horrible! You all were dead and I drowned myself!" I say!

"Harry! It's okay baby. I promise I will never leave you! None of us will. It's okay." He says patting my back. Liam walks in.

"Guess what? I have my kidney fixed!" He screams. I get up and hug him.

"That's great Liam! I'm so happy for you!" I say still sniffing.

"Why are you sniffing Harry?" Liam asks.

"Well I had a nightmare. As in it all of you died." I say.

"Oh Harry but you know Zayn and Niall are okay!" He says. I frown.

"Actually Niall got in a car accident and got hit pretty hard. Zayn web to get him. I don't know where they are!" I say. Louis stand up.

"Then lets go!" He says. We get out to the car after signing out. We call Zayns phone.

"Hello?" He says. I sigh in relief.

"Zayn! Buddy where are you?" Louis asks. Liam is driving.

"Louis! Your okay! Well Niall and I are at home. We went to a hospital and he got medicine! Everything is okay now! He's just resting! How's Liam?" He asks.

"Liam's fine! I'm glad Nialls okay! Be there in a few Zayn!" Louis says.

"Love you guys!"

"Love you too Zayn!" Louis says then hangs up. Everything is good for now! The magazine is going to be full! And I'm telling you full!


I know I scared you! Sorry! I just had too! I love you guys! 2.7 reads! Thanks guys for all the support! Right now the story is hectic and dosent have much spanking but trust me there will be more! A lot more! Il be updating soon! Love you guys!

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