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FINALLY! Sorry for the wait! Thanks for sticking with me! Love y'all!

Harry's pov..

Louis and I head downstairs to drink some tea. Zayn is asleep on the couch with Niall. Liam and Olivia must still be talking.

"Harry? Would you want to go shopping?" Louis asks. I nod in excitement! I love shopping!

"What for?" I ask.

"The wedding." He mumbles. Now I'm over excited!

"OMG seriously? I can't wait! Lets go!" I say. Louis puts our tea in water bottle for to go. We get in the car and I drive this time.

"So where should we look first? Men's wear house?" I ask.

"Yeah! They have really good clothes there!" Louis cheers clearly excited too! We get in there and a girl rushes up to us.

"How may I help you two?" She ask. Louis blushes but speaks.

"Him and I are getting married! We need suits!" She puts her hands up.

"Congratulations! Okay, follow me back here!" She says happily. Louis nudges me and I giggle. She's so preppy. We go to the back to the wedding suits.

"Here we are! You can try some on and lay me know what you like!" She squeals.

"Okay! Thanks!" Louis rolls his eyes. She leaves and I start going through them.

"We each have a red hand kerchief to put in our little pockets. They are matching the whole scene. So pick something white out for you. I'll get something black!" Louis says. I pick out a whit suit with a black flower on the side.

"Oh! That's great! Go try it on!" He says. I go into the dressing room and take off all my clothes. The door opens. I gasp. It's only Louis.

"Lou? You scared me!" I say holding my heart. Louis grabs my hand.

"I wish you could go naked!" He whispers in my ear. I shiver at the breath that come out of his mouth. It hits my neck.

"Well I can't so let me try this on!" I say and slip it on. Louis sighs.

"Oh Harry! It's beautiful!" He says. I look at myself in the mirror and cover my mouth. It's so pretty!

"I want this one!" I say. There's even a little pocket for the hand kerchief. I love it! Louis decides to buy it for me! He tells me he already picked his out. It's black with a white flower on it! We will be matching! Haha! Weird! We get back into the car and I turn the radio up. What Makes You Beautiful is playing! A tear runs down my face.

"What's wrong Haz?" Louis asks grasping my hand in his.

"This song reminds me of how we met." I croak out.

"Aw Harry. I remember that day too! I asked you out right on the beach. I wanted to make it special and ask you to marry me on the beach too! That's why we went on the picnic!" He says. I laugh a bit. Louis and I sing along to the song. When we get home it ends. Inside Niall and Zayn are talking to Liam.

"What's up boys?" Louis asks. Liam looks up with teary eyes.

"Liam? Are you okay? What happened?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"I could've killed our baby! My kidney failures affect on the baby. We are taking Olivia to the hospital in a bit. I'm scared!" Liam says. I pat his back and give him a squeeze. He sniffs.

"Liam it's going to be okay! Trust me!" I say. He nods.

"I know." His tears stop. Louis brings my suit over.

"What do you guys think?" He asks. Liam looks up.

"Wow! That's an AMAZAYN suit!" Zayn laughs.

"Yeah! It fits you Harry!" Niall says.

"I love it Haz!" Liam sniffs once more. I smile! Its perfect!


Sorry! Bad Ik! Well I'll be updating in the morning! Love y'all!

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