Lets Swim

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Harry's pov..

I wake up to feel my hand in a warm cup of water. I jump up. It's to late. I've already peed. God.

"What the hell?" I say. I look over to see Olivia and Gemma cracking up. I cross my arms and grunt. They are almost adults. They need to learn!

"Sorry! I just had to!" Gemma says. I look into her pouty eyes. I get up and run into Louis and my room. I close the door and pull out trunks. I slide them on and look around my closet. I have two pairs of bikinis. They can use them. I go back downstairs.

"Put these on! We are going swimming!" I say. They both yell a yes! Louis walks in.

"What are you guys doing?" Louis asks.

"We are are going swimming! Wanna come?" I ask. Louis' eyes get big.

"Do I ever! Be right back down!" He screams running up the stairs. The two girls go to change too. I head into the kitchen. It's 2:00 in the afternoon. Eh why does it have to be so late. I reach for the crisps and they fall all over my. I snort. Me. It always has to be me. I hear giggling behind me.

"What do you want?" I grunt.

"Sorry Haz! It's just your expression! Sorry!" Olivia says hugging me. I hug her back she kisses my cheek and helps me up. We get down on our knees and start to clean the mess up.

"What happened in here?" I hear Louis ask. I groan.

"I dropped the crisps!" Olivia snickers.

"More like they attacked you!"

"Oh shut up Liv!" I say. Olivia laughs.

"Harry don't tell people to shut up! It's mean!" Louis says. I look up to see his smooth tan chest. A moan escapes my lips. Thankfully Gemma walks in.

"Hey! Ready?" She asks. Me and Olivia finish picking up the crisps. Olivia and Gemma look pretty hot in those bikinis! I know that's weird for me to be saying but it's the truth. I've had them ever since my mom got them for me. It was a joke but I told her that one day they would be useful! And look! I was right! Gemma has a red one on and Olivia has a bright pink one on. Louis has on his blue stripped trunks. I think it looks hot on him especially that he's tan. It fits him! His hair is in his regular quiff. I just wanna touch him. But I can't while the girls are here! That would just be weird. Really weird that I think of it. Louis comes over and kisses me on the lips.

"Get a room!" Olivia says. I laugh.

"Okay like you don't do stuff!" I say. She blushes.

"Well yeah but in a room without people in it!" She comes back. I roll my eyes.

"I think it's pretty cute!" Gemma says putting a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and kiss her cheek.

"Thanks sis!" I say. She nods.

"Okay! Enough! Lets go!" Olivia says. We all get on flip flops and pile into the car. Louis is driving. We drive with a bunch of different random things said. And a bunch of giggles! When we get to the pool we all jump in. Louis grabs my hand and jumps in with me! When we get under he kisses me. Water rushes in with it. I grab his cheeks and pull us up. When we get up we take in a deep breath. Olivia and Gemma are already talking to boys. I try to hide my face with my hands. We are famous.

"I love you so much, baby!" Louis says. I look him in the eyes.

"I love you too!" I say backing up. I bump into a girl.

"Watch out!" I say. She snorts and rolls her eyes. I look back to Louis. He looks at me surprised but mad. I try to run but it doesn't work.

"Harold! Get back here now! Go apologize to that lady now!" Louis yells. I sigh. Here we go again. I walk up to the lady I bumped into. She looks at me and snorts.

"What do you want."

"We'll if your going to be that mean about it then I won't say it. I was going to.."

"Hmm?" Louis hums behind me. I groan.

"I'm sorry!" I say. She rolls her eyes and walks away. I turn around to face Louis.

"That was rude Harry! I would like to see you in the restroom!" Louis says pointing to the bathrooms. I hunch over.

"I'm sorry Lou!" I say. He just nods.

"I know but it was rude! You have to try to kill them with kindness. Not rudeness!" Louis says. It's just she was so rude to me! I was trying to be nice! I head into the bathroom with Louis hot on my trails. When we get there he slams the door. I gulp.

"You get 40 for all the attitude!" He says. I bend over the toilet. A swat lands right in my sit spot.

"You don't talk to people that way Harry! It's not nice!" He keeps swatting at my sit spots. I'm crying out in pain. He then goes from each cheek to the next. It hurts so bad! At 40 I cry out.

"LOUIS PLEASE STOP! IM SO SORRY!" I scream. He grabs me and puts me in his arms. I nuzzle my way into his body. He rubs my back.

"It's okay Harry! Im sorry." He says. I look him in the eyes. There's a knock. Louis goes to the door to open it.

"It's b.." Olivia and Gemma are standing there.

"We wanna go now!" Olivia and Gemma say at the same time. I get off the toilet.

"Okay! Lets go home Lou! I don't feel so good!" I say. Louis looks at me with a worried look in his eye. He grabs my hand and we all get back into the car. I fall asleep in the back on Gemma's lap.


Thanks for the votes guys! I appreciate it a lot! I will be updating soon!

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