Im sorry

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(Thanks for all the support! You guys are great!)

Harry's pov..

I wake up to hear laughing. I open my eyes slowly and notice I was covered and a ice pack was out under my bum. I sit up to wince. My bum is burning. It feels like its on fire! Literally! Then I remember that I got spanked. Louis. I get up and go to the bathroom. When I pull down my pants I hand flys to my butt. It hurts so bad! I hear feet padding up the stairs. Then the door flings open.

"Harry are you okay?" Louis stands there with a worried look in his eye. My eyes water. He opens his arms. I run into them. He hugs me in a tight grip. I cry into his neck. He pats my hair.

"I'm so sorry baby. I shouldn't have been so rough on you." He whispers.

"I'm sorry too! I shouldn't have yelled at you. I deserved it!"

"Not all of it though. I was rough and I'm sorry for that!"

"It's okay Lou!" I kiss him on the lips. He grabs my cheeks and massages them. I moan as his tongue slips into my mouth. He explores my mouth like he does every time.

"Dinner time!" Jay yells up. Louis pulls away.

"Later I promise!" He says. I smile and follow him downstairs. The whole family is sitting at the table. I blush. Lottie stares at me. I sit next to her.

"Lottie I'm so sorry. It was an accident! I was playing! I'm really sorry. Please forgive me?!" I beg. She smiles.

"I know Harry! I'm sorry too! I forgive you." She says. I hug and kiss her cheek. She blushes.

"Thanks Lott!" I say. She smiles! Louis smiles and sits down. We eat beef and mash potatoes with tea. After we're done Louis says its time to go. I sigh and get up.

"Bye guys!" I say giving each one of them a hug. I kiss Jays cheek.

"Bye Harry! See you guys soon!" She waves out to us as we leave. Louis waves and blows kisses. I drive tonight. We get in and I start the car. We get into the road and a car speeds past us.

"Fuck." I whisper. Of course Louis hears. And I give the middle finger. He pist me off. Louis growls.

"25 when we get home." I grunt and fear the 25 hits. God my bum is still hurting. When we get home I head into the living room. He bends me over and goes really quick. But of course I scream. It hurts so bad. I can't contain myself. Louis grabs me and pulls me close.

"Lets have some fun tonight, Haz!" He whispers. And our night begins.


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