Im Sorry

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Harry's pov..
I wake up to the sound of someone crying very loudly. That catches my attention quickly. I sit up and look around. I find Louis sitting on the love seat beside me crying his eyes out. I jump up and start hugging him.
"Lou. Sh, it's going to be okay. It's okay, shh. Your mum was very loving courageous young lady. But just remember, she loves you and will look over you. She's now in a better place." I'm not good at making speeches when I'm also crying. It's hard for Louis and I. I mean Jay was the best mother in law anyone could ever ask for. I just can't get the fact through my head that she's gone. Not in our lives anymore. It's hurting me pretty badly.
"Harry I miss her. I won't ever get to see her again. I promised her that she wouldn't die. I swore on my life. Why Harry? Wy do things like this happen to innocent people like us?" He asks. I try to smile.
"Louis let me tell you this, things like this happen for a reason. Just like me meeting you? Fate chose that. No, fate isn't always nice to you but that's the challenges it gives you. To see how strong you are. I promise that life will get better. I'm not saying forget about your mother just try to move on and say, I love my mother an always will. He will always be in our hearts. And I know you tried. You tried so hard to keep her with you. And she loves you so much for that. She's probably watching us right now. Who knows. But all I can say is that you tried and that's all that matters. I'm proud of you actually. The way you handled it! I love you so much Lou!" That speech kinda made sense right? I'm not good at this. Louis stares for a minute still sniffling. Then he nods his head.
"You are absolutely right Harry. I'm going to try and put this behind me. And I will try so hard. For my mother. For you. And for the sake of the band. I love you too Haz!" He says. I smile and hug him. There's still a sense of depression in his voice. Which is totally normal. Just then Stephanie sits up.
"Good morning!" She says with a hint of happiness in her voice. Louis grabs her waist.
"Hey baby girl! Did you sleep good?" He says a bit happier. I smile! Stephanie laughs!
"I had a dream about grandma Jay! She talked to me!" Louis slows down. Oh no.
"Oh really? What did she say?" Louis asks sitting her down.
"She told me to help you and that she loved me, you, and daddy H! And to be safe. And that she would talk to me soon!" A tear slips out of Louis' eye. I sit next to him and rub his back.
"That's sweet! Now how about we go have breakfast?" She nods quickly. Louis laughs!
"Go into the kitchen! We'll be there in a minute!" She hops off the couch and runs to the kitchen. Louis turns to me. I hug him close.
"You can do this Lou! Believe in you! It's okay!" I whisper in his ear. He nods and wipes his head.
Your right! I can do this." I smile and help him up. We find Stephanie in the kitchen making a mess.
"Woah! Hold on sweets! What do you need help with?" I ask running over to her. She looks up at me with eyes that say Haha! I look at what she's doing and I spot the my marriage ring in a cup of hot chocolate.
"STEPH!" I scream. She laughs! I grab her arms and push her away. Louis watches closely. I dump the stuff out and grab my ring.
"Why the hell would you do that?" I ask. She stops laughing.
"It was a joke!" She says. I sigh and roll my eyes.
"Harry!" Louis warns.
"What?" I yell. He looks at me with an angry face.
"Cool it!"
"No! I almost lost my ring! Stephanie doesn't get it!" I scream. He pushes his chair back as grabs my arm. Just then Niall walks in.
"Stephanie why don't we sit down and eat cereal together?" Niall asks. I give him a thank you smile. He shrugs it off. Louis takes me upstairs with a firm hand on my arm. I whimper at the roughness.
"Louis your hurting me." I moan. He lets go a bit.
"Sorry! But you need to learn that Stephanie is only 5 years old! She's not old enough to understand! We have to teach her! We can't just punish her. So for that you get 30." I sigh and get over his lap. He rubs my bum. I whimper.
"I'm starting." He says before landing a hard smack on my bottom. He then pulls my pants down. My bare bottom in the air. I'm trying to scream but nothing comes out. The pain in every hit is unbearable. Louis starts to say things.
"Stephanie will come around I promise it's just you need to learn that she is younger than you and doesn't understand yet!" He says. The hits go to my thighs that are visible. It hurts like hell. I start to whimper out in pain.
"Please Lou! It hurts!" I say. He does the last 5 before lifting me up into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck. He starts rubbing circles in my back. The feeling is comforting.
"I'm sorry!" I say. He nods.
"It's okay baby." I cry into his shoulder for a while. He shushs me and whispers comforting words into my ear. I kiss him full on the lips.
"Thanks you Lou! I love you so much!" I say. He chuckles and gives me a big bear hug. We get up and go back downstairs. Liam, Zayn, Niall and Stephanie watch us.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask. Olivia comes into view with her stomach as big as Christmas. She stands next to Liam.
"Our tour? We have to leave in an hour!" Zayn says. I look at them in shock! Louis grabs my arm. We quickly get dressed as run back downstairs. I grab Stephanie and my huge suitcase with all of my clothes. Louis' suitcase has Stephanie's clothes.
"Okay now were ready!" I say. Olivia laughs.
"Lets go then!" Liam grabs hold of Olivia's hand and kisses it. We smile and head out! The tour bus is in our driveway. Stephanie looks at it mesmerized. She runs into it and roams. The bus starts and were off. Onto America! Oh my Lordy Jesus! This is going to be fun! Especially with Stephanie and Louis with me. I also have 4 other loving best friends next to me!
Sorry for this one. A bit confusing. But I would be the happiest person on earth if you told me how you like it and if you voted! Love y'all! See you soon! I'm updating soon I promise!

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