Hard Enough

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Harry's POV...
I immediately shoot up from my bed, running to the bathroom. Everything comes up. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. There's a soft knock from the other side of the locked door.

"You okay Haz?" I hear Louis sweetly ask. I wipe the sweat that is slowly trickling down my forehead.

I have to perform tonight. Shit! I can't go onstage like this! My whole career will be ruined.

"Harry?" Louis asks again. I take a deep breath and let it out. Standing up, I unlock to see Louis standing there awkwardly.

"Yeah I'm fine. The real question is, are you okay?" His face turns a shade of red.

"Harry, it kinda hurts." I chuckle lowly until I see his serious face. His eyes brimming with tears.

"Oh, I'm sorry babe. Here, get in bed and I'll go get breakfast! How 'bout that?" He nods and slowly makes his way over to the bed.

I pull on my red t-shirt and some sweats I packed. Louis is laying on the bed with his eyes closed. I gently lean down and kiss his toned chest.

"I love you! Be up in just a minute." He nods keeping his eyes completely shut.

I leave the room as quietly as possible. As I'm turning around I jump at least 59 miles into the air. Abby stands there looking right at me with a big grin on her face. I frown.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask. She tries to keep her giggles quiet. I shush her, putting my finger to her lips. Then another door opens. There stands a bare chested Niall. He looks out, groans and slams the door.

"Well someone didn't get enough sleep... geesh!" Abby shrugs. I nod my head in agreement.

Although Niall is always like that. He never is really happy in the morning. He always tells me it's because he doesn't have his special someone yet to wake him up wit a kiss. Which I think is adorable!

"Are you going down for breakfast?" Abby questions. I nod.

"Getting some for Louis. He's in a bit of.... pain I guess." She quirks an eyebrow. I really dot feel like telling her that I fucked him last night.

"What do yah mean?" Her American accent clear as day. I gulp.

"Well, he..uh.... twisted his ankle last night dancing. It's very swelled and looks pretty bad." She pats my shoulder.

"You doing okay? you look a little pale." I nod my head.

We ride the elevator down together and stay silent for the ride down. I look at her and notice she has a birth mark right where her neck connects to her shoulder.

"Harold, I would like to ask you something." I look over at my full name. I barely Hear that anymore.

"Harry. Just call me Harry. And what is it?" She smiles then returns to a frown, confused looking face. The elevator door opens and we get off going to the breakfast stuff.

"Well Harry, Niall and I were talking the other night. We both feel lonely. Why can't I tell the love of my life I love him? What did you do with Louis?" She asks. Hm, how to answer this question. Wait....? What?

"You love Niall?" I ask getting all excited! OMG that would be perfect!!

"Haha, no! Of course not. Weird, he asked the same thing. Then looked as if he was..... hurt." I stare at her with wide eyes. Seriously? Does she not see why he looked hurt?

"Ring ring.. reality calling! Niall loves you. Obviously, if he was hurt when you said that! Jesus Abs! Your killing me." I say putting some eggs onto a clean plate.

A gasp comes out of her mouth. She starts to nod her head quickly. My phone buzzes that I brought down with me.

"Your right! Oh my god Harry, you're right!" I smirk and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Of course I'm right honey! I'm always right." I say. She giggles and waves off. I blow her a kiss as she runs, full speed to the elevator. I shake my head knowing what's going to happen next.

My phone buzzes that was in my pocket. I take it out and open the message.

Louis- Perrie broke up with Zayn... :'(

I'll update soon! Vote comment fan! Love y'all. Thanks!

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