Hide 'n' Seek

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We don't have air condition and it's like 90 degrees outside! I'm freaking dying! And I've gotten a lot of comments for adopting so I've decide they will! Just wait a few more chapters! And thanks all for the suggestion! @1D_angel14 @kenlynnMalik @directioner000005! Thanks guys! And there won't be much sex! I promise! Just a little kissing and all.

Harry's pov..

We get downstairs and Niall looks like he in a lot of pain. I kneel down beside him and he grabs my arm.

"It hurts Harry!" He says. I look at his ankle. It's black and purple. But the only thing is that it looks like there's a freaking apple in his ankle. It's swollen so much! I look at him with a fake smile.

"It's fine Ni! We just need to he you into a doctor!" I say. Lou's helps me pick him up. Louis has his feet and I have his head. Liam holds him from the bottom. Zayn opens the door and we lay Niall down in the back. We all get into the car and drive to the hospital once more! I've been to this hospital so many times its starting to get annoying! And I haven't once been a patient! Never once. Ha knock on wood. Not that I want to be a patient!

"Ugh! Ow! Liam could you drive a bit slower?!" Niall moans.

"Sorry!" Liam says. He starts to drive slower. Niall pats my shoulder.

"I'm sorry dude! About the whole jail thing! I really am! Justin told me to tell you. I was regretting it from the start. I'm just really sorry about the fans and your career. I messed it up! Big time!" He says. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Niall! I'm fine! All I need is Louis and you guys! I don't need all the fans. Just remember not to do any of Justin's dares!" I laugh! He smiles and chuckles a bit.

"Thanks mate!" He says. Then winces.

"LIIIUUMM!" He groans out. Liam hits the dash bord.

"I'm sorry Niall! I'm going as slow as I possibly can!" Liam shouts. My phone vibrates. It's an unknown number but I pick it up anyways.


"Hi! OMG is this Harry Styles? OMG OMG OMG! I'm sorry! It's just I just met your mom! She's really nice!" A girl I don't know screams. I get angry.

"How did you get my phone number?" I ask.

"Your mom!" She screams once more.

"WHAT?" I shout. Louis looks at me with a worried expression!

"Okay! Well yes! This is him! I would like to meet you sometime, love!" I say. Now Louis looks jealous.

"Okay! Bye Harry! Talk to you soon!" She says before hanging up. I sigh and shove my phone back into my pocket.

"Who was that, babe?" Louis asks. I snort.

"Some girl that my mom have my phone number to." I say. He just stares at me.

"Call your mom. She would never do that!" He says. Zayn looks at us.

"Louis is right on this one. Ann would never give out your phone number." Just then my phone rings again.


"Harry! Your fucking phone number is on fucking twitter!" Olivia screams. My jaw drops!

"What? How the hell did it get on there?" I ask.

"Well this girl hacked into your phone and got your number. She managed to put everything back in time before you got back on it!" She says. I literally just stare off into space. There's a bunch of beeps on my phone.

"Thanks Olivia for telling me!" I say before hanging up. I turn my phone off for a minute and turn it back on. Louis looks at me confused. It reads 50 missed calls. Oh my shitness! That is ridiculous! I get on twitter and look for the post on my phone number. I find it.

"Haz what happened?" Louis asks.

"Olivia told me my phone number got onto twitter. I'm calling the person that put it out there." I say. He sighs.

"Aw baby. I'm so sorry!" He says.

"Thanks Lou!" I kiss him. He always makes me feel better! I call her.


"Hey! It's Harry styles! Why'd you put my phone number on twitter?" I ask. Se giggles.

"You deserve it, thief! Everyone heard and I hate you now! You made a bunch of girls here in the U.S steal. There had to be at least 50 more girls in jail then there were before the incident!" She says. My heart stops and tears come to my eyes.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep!" Louis grabs my hand.

"What's the matter Harry? You okay baby?" He asks. I start to cry in his arms. The boys all look at me.

"Harry?" The girl says.

"What do you want?" I say.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'll take it off twitter. I'm really sorry. I take all blame. Love you?" She says. I look up to Lou.

"Well I accept your apology. But it was rude to put my number on line."

"I know! I'm really sorry!" I sigh.

"Love you too love!" She squeals.

"Thanks you so much and sorry again." She says before hanging up. My crying dies down. Louis picks up my face.

"What happened Haz?" He asks.

"I got fifty more girls into jail with my scheme. Fifty percent more girls in the U.S! Lou I'm a role model and now I'm not anymore! Why is this happening to me?" I scream. Pats my shoulder. He smiles.

"It's okay Haz! I promise baby! You are going to be fine!" He kisses my forehead.

Nialls pov.. (Surprise!)

I have to do it. I'm going to tell people that it was all me. I was the one that told him to do the dare! I can't let Harry go through all this pain!


There will be spanking in the next chapter! Thanks for reading! A surprise will also be coming up! Love you guys!

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