The News

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Harry's pov..
I wake up to the sound of Louis heavily breathing.
"Louis? What's wrong?" I ask sitting up immediately. It's not Louis. It's Zayn.
"Zayn? What are you doing here?" I ask. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. The look on his face is horrid.
"It's Louis' mum. She's not doing to well." He sighs. I get up and slide on some jeans. I throw on a t shirt and grab Zayns hand.
"Where's the others?" I ask.
"The hospital." He breaths in heavily. I help him up and get him into the car. Jeez I haven't seen Zayn like this for about 2 years! He looks like he just saw a freaking scary ghost. His face is pale as hell and his hands are shaking. When we get to the hospital I run in with Zayn following closely behind. Once the doors slide open Louis is sitting there with tears pouring out of his eyes. He looks up and sees me. He jumps up and runs into my arms. He starts balling.
"She's dead! Why Harry? Why me? Am I a bad boy? Why do I deserve this? Why?" He whispers in my ear. Oh my god. No, this can't be true. What? Tears rush down my face. I look over and see the other boys crying as much as me. I dig my face in the crook of Louis' neck. This is so surreal that I can't even take it anymore. It's screwed up. Life is screwed up.
"Louis you are an amazing person. Things happen that are unexpected. And you work through them. You have to stay strong just like your mother did. Please Lou! I believe in you. You can do this baby!" I whisper. He silently cries into my arms. Zayn is even more pale. It's almost disgusting. Niall looks like he could get sick. Liam is just plain lost. I'm confused. Why did this happen? Louis doesn't deserve this. None of us do. The sound of screaming fills my ears. I look over. There's a girl on the floor screaming so loud that people have to cover up her mouth. She comes over and curls up next to Louis. She grabs her legs and curls up on the chair. Louis just keeps on crying. This hurts. Badly. I look around the room. My vision is.....blurry. I can't see straight. Louis looks up at me.
"Harry? I love you so much!" He whimpers. The tears are still coming down his and my cheeks.
"I love you too Lou! You know that. I always will. I will never let you go. I know this is hard for you! But you can do this. I promise things will get better." He jumps up.
"I'm going to the bathroom." I nod. He closes and locks the door. What a weird time to have to go to the bathroom. Niall sits next to me.
"Harry.... You are the nicest person I've ever met. This is hard for Louis and your helping him through it. Thanks!" He says crying also. I nod.
"It's okay Ni! Listen. We will get through this together. I promise." Man I've made a lot of promises. Soon Niall and I fall asleep laying on each other.
I wake up to the feeling of someone laying on me. I look over and see Louis. A nurse comes over.
"I'm going I have I ask you guys to leave! You've been here for about 5 hours. I'm sorry about your loss though. Really! I hope you can help him." I nod. She smiles awkwardly and walks away. I get up. Louis jumps up.
"I'm here!" He screams. I grab his arms.
"Lets get to the car" I take Louis to the car and sit him in the back. I go back in and wake up the other boys. They moan on their way to the car. Liam rides in Zayns car while Niall comes with Louis and I. Louis falls asleep again silently crying. I feel really bad. Once we get home he runs into the house and slams our bedroom door. Stephanie walks in with my mum. They both have tears in their eyes. I nod.
"It's okay!" Stephanie runs over to me and grabs my waist. I sit down and cry with them. It's hurtful. Oh my god we have to leave tomorrow to go on the tour! How? I fall asleep on the couch with Stephanie in my arms. Before I my mum kisses my forehead.
"You are such a sweet boyfriend and son. Keep up the good work! Love you! See you soon! Tell Louis I love him and that I will pray for him every night. I promise!" She leaves and Stephanie flinches. Tears sting in my eyes. This is going to be one emotional tour. Then the darkness takes over.
This one was sad. Sorry if I upset you with this one! Love you guys though! I'll update soon! Love you guys and thanks! I love writing this story!

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