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Well guys 2.1k readers! That's just plain fucking amazing! I can't even thank you guys enough! I don't care about the votes and all I'm just really glad you guys are taking the time to read my story! Thanks to all of you!

Harry's pov..

I wake up to a small area with only metal and a little tiny toilet. I jump up. Where th.. Oh yeah! Jail. God. I'm actually a bit scared. This is the real deal. The police man get up.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Um not even 20 mins. Sorry about that. You stole a pack if gum. That means you get 4 months!" He says. My jaw drops. Oh my god. No. I'm going to kill Niall and Justin. Just then the door opens.

"Um you've been bailed out!" The guy says. I look at him confused. Then Louis walks in.

"Come on Harry. Lets go. I am very disappointed in you." Is all he says. I feel bad. I told him I wouldn't get in trouble. But it was Niall and Justin's faults! They dared me too. I was just playing the game. The police man let us out.

"I hope you've learned your les..." Louis comes rushing in.

"Actually can he stay for a night? It's already 11:00 pm. Could he?" Louis asks. Shit no.

"Yes sir!" The police man says. My jaw drops.

"Okay! Have fun Harry! Have fun! I'll be back at like 9:30 am! Bye! Love you baby! Be strong!" Louis blows me a kiss. Tears fill my eyes. Is he really leaving me?

"Lou!?" I scream. He just shrugs.

"Sorry! You need to learn your lesson." He apologizes. The guy takes Louis out and the police man puts me back in the cell. I grab the bars. Now I'm crying.

"You don't seem bad." He says.

"It was a dare!" I cry. He puts the locks on the table.

"Ah! Well a suggestion don't do dares, Harry!" He says. I was going to ask him how he knew me but then I thought, I'm famous! And I'm in jail. This is not a good reputation. I want Louis. I lay on the bed and fall asleep crying.


"Wake up Harry!" Officer Matt says. I wake up.

"Is Louis here?"I ask. He shakes his head. No but it's 9:20. Might want to get ready!" He says. I nod and sit up. Louis was a bitch last night! Well he will pay. The door opens.

"Okay! Your free to go!" The guys says. I nod. Officer Matt lets me out and shakes my hand.

"Don't do dares!" He says. I chuckle a bit. Louis is out there signing something. I go out and hug him. He doesn't hug back.

"Thanks!" He says to officer Matt. I frown. Well we will see how that changes in the car! My smirk pops up.


Sorry so short! I will be updating in the morning! Thanks for all the reads again! Love you guys!

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