The After Math

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Harry's POV...

After I get done explaining things to Perrie, her eyes are glazed over and she looks tired.

"You should go see Zayn. He's been missing you a-"

"I'm going to slap that Niall so hard. Jesus is he really that stupid? Has he not lived with Louis enough?" She interrupts me. I nod and look over to Eleanor who has fallen asleep on Louis' side of the bed.

Louis. I wonder where he is?

"Hey Perrie. I've got to go find Louis. Talk to you later?" I say giving her a questioning look. She sighs and nods her head.

"Fine. Goodnight Harry. Hope you guys can work it all out!" I give her a reassuring nod and open the door for her.

"Harry?" I spin around on the heel of my foot and come face to face with a half asleep Eleanor. Her eyes are barely open.

"What?" I ask, annoyed of her.

"Do you want me to leave?" She asks. I sigh and look over to Stephanie who also fell asleep. Sighing, I shake my head.

"You can stay and sleep with Steph for a bit. She needs a babysitter for a while. I'll be back soon." She nods, going to lay back down.

"Thanks." I say barely audible. I don't let her respond, walking out and closing the door.

Okay, now where would Lou most likely be? Eating? Bathroom?

"Hot tub!" I whisper to myself, smiling! Of course that's where he would be. He loves swimming anyways.

I get in the elevator trying to keep calm. I just feel so bad. Yes it's kinda my fault that Niall and Abby we...yeah. But all I said was go get Niall. I never told Abby to do what she was doing just a second ago.

Abby's POV...

"Why am I so stupid?" I cry out. Niall hugs me closer.

"You're not stupid baby. It was my fault." He shakes his head. I dig my head into his shoulder letting all the tears come out.

Louis is pissed. I can't explain how bad I felt after seeing the tears he had. He was hurt, badly.

And I guess I can't blame it on Harry too much. He just told me that Niall probably had feelings for me and I took it over board.

"Niall?" I whimper out looking up at his light blue eyes. He strokes my hair softly.

"Hm?" He hums against my temple. He kisses it slowly and then pulls away to look at me.

"Do you think Louis hates me now?"

Harry's POV

"Lou?" I ask opening the door that leads into the pools. No one is swimming in the big one so my eyes land on the hot tub.

There he is sitting there with his head back, eyes closed, breathing heavily. There's red spots around his eyes. He's been crying...a lot.

"Oh baby." I head over to him and strip down my clothes. I keep my boxers on just because it's a hotels hot tub.

His eyes dart open and meet mine. I slip in next to him and grab his limp body.

"You okay?" I ask pulling him as close as he can go. He tries to pull away but I refuse.

"HAROLD let go of me!" He yells making me flinch back and let go. He scoots to the other side and faces the other way. I quirk an eyebrow.

"Stay away Harry. I'm not feeling good right now." That just makes me want to hug him even more. My eyes scan up and down his body, making me hard in my boxers.

Why? Because i love you so much! (Larry spanking fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now