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Harry's pov..

I wake up to a bunch of flashing lights. I immediately get up and see what it is. I'm in the car and there are fans outside blocking our car and taking pictures. God why? Louis is trying to take as many pictures with them as he can. Well that's not going to work! Olivia and Gemma are also taking pictures with people. Okay this is crazy! I open the car door and everyone looks at me. I rub my eyes because then all the flashing lights start up again. I squint into the lights. This is ridiculous!

"Stop! Get the fuck out of here! Now before I call the cops!" I say. No one listens. But of course Louis heard. He gives me a death glare. I just turn around. I start pushing people away. There's a girl about my age that runs up to me.

"Can I please get a picture of you?" She asks. I let her and she leaves. That's what people should do! NOT take millions of pictures! Gemma gets hit in the face by a girl that wants to see Louis. Louis sees and grabs on to Gemma. He shoves her in the car while he jumps in too. She looks close to tears. That's it!

"OH FUCK NO! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW! ALL OF YOU! YOU ALL ARE ASSES!" Of course Louis is already out of the car and listening to me. I sigh. This one girl gets all up in my face and I shove her. She gasps and runs away. Louis grabs me by my shoulders as shoves me in the car. I grunt and turn to Gemma.

"Gemma are you okay?" I ask worried. She crying and looks in pain. Olivia is still out there telling people to leave and taking pictures with people. Louis grabs her and pushes her in the car too. He gets in and starts the car. When he starts it Olivia grabs his arm.

"You sure?" She asks. He nods slowly. Then presses on the gas. All the girls jump out of the way. He keeps on going. He rolls down his window.

Sorry girls!" He screams then rolls it back up. We keep on going in the direction of home.

"Oh my god I've never seen as many fans in my life!" Olivia gasps. I nod in agreement!

"Harry you were very mean to some of them! You shoved one!" Louis cries out.

"Seriously? I was trying to protect myself!" I say.

"I know Harry but you cussed!" He says. I sit back in my seat and cross my arms. This is just plain ridiculous! I get in trouble for nothing?! I look at Olivia. She shrugs. I can't believe them! When we get home I sit on the couch. Gemma comes in with a blue and black cheek that's half the size it's supposed to be. I go to the freezer and get ice.

"Here! Put this on it." I say.

"Thanks!" She says. I smile! Then Louis walks in.

"I need to talk to you Harry! Please!" He says. I sigh and follow him to our room. He softly closes the door and walks up to me.

"Okay Harry! I don't want to hurt you anymore! Well today at least! It pains me baby! It hurts my heart! I need to ask you. Is this relationship going good?" He asks. My jaw drops.

"Lou! Please don't say that! It's going fine! Your scaring me! Baby please!" I beg. His eyes go wide.

"I wasn't planning on breaking up I was just seeing. What you thought! Now I will be spanking you two days from now for that rude fan thing but I just wanted your opinion. It's okay baby!" He hugs me tight as I breath heavy. It scared me. I will have to admit, A LOT! There's a knock at the door. Louis goes to open it.

"LIAM!" He screams. He starts to cry. Liam has been in the hospital. The doctor said it was slim chance he would live. His kidney went wrong. I don't know I'm just so glad he's still here! I jump in the hug. We are all crying now.

"Liam! I'm so glad your okay!" I scream. He looks at me still sniffing.

"The doc said I should recover in about a week from now! I should relax and not move to much." He says. Louis just smiles.

"I'm just so glad your still here with us! Sorry about the crying!" He says wiping up the tears. Liam waves his hand.

"It's okay Lou!" He says hugging him once more. We all just stand there smiling! For right now everything is going great! For right now!


Thanks for reading! Enjoy! I'll be updating!

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