Lets Party!

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Go help out @emilimarsh1 on her 1D dirty imagines too! Please and thank you! She would appreciate it! She also needs help figuring out ideas! Thanks! Enjoy!
Harry's pov..
Louis is grinding against me. I'm sweaty. He's sweaty. Everybody is sweaty. People are bumping into each other. We are all drunk as fuck. The music is loud and the lights dimmed. Good thing Olivia took Stephanie home. Since she can't drink with the baby she took her home. Liam went with them since he also can't drink much. I just feel very high right now. I moan as I feel Louis' erection rub against my ass. I grab his neck. He puts his arms around my stomach.
"We should probably get going here soon. Half of these people shouldn't even drive." Louis whispers. I groan.
"Few more minutes?" I ask.
"No baby. Lets go home. We can do more of this on our honey moon." He says. I sigh and stand up. Zayn walks up to me.
"Hey, Niall is really drunk. Could you drive him home? I need to find Perrie and we need to go." He says. I nod.
"Sure! Thanks for coming Zayn! Love you dude!" I say giving him a hug. He gives Louis a hug and waves.
"See yah in a week. Don't forget about our tour! Honeymoon ends in a week. You two have fun! But not to much fun! Oh my Jesus you know what I mean!" He laughs!
"We know what you mean! Now go! Night Zaynie!" Louis says shooing him off. Zayn smiles and goes to find Perrie. Niall walks up to us.
"Hey unicorns! I come from mars!" I giggle. Louis shakes his head while smiling.
"Niall? Lets go mate." I say. He follows me out to the car. Louis was going to tell everyone thanks and thanks from me too. Niall needed to sit down. I open the door for him and he gets in. I decide to sit back there with him just in case. I'm startled by a pair is lips crashing into mine. I try to push him off but he doesn't stop.
"NUALL!" I scream/mutter. It doesn't come out right. He doesn't stop. He pushes me down.
"Rea...... Oh. My. God. Jesus!" I hear Louis say. I keep trying to push Niall off but it doesn't work.
"Lewiii!" I mutter/scream. He gets in the back and pulls Niall back. Niall flings back with a grunt. I sit up and wipe my lips. I'm gasping for air. Louis stares at me.
"Harry?" He asks. Niall looks at me.
"Oh my god Harry! I so sorry! Louis, it was me! I was under a spell from the drinking! I'm so sorry! Please!" He says. Louis slams the door. Niall gives me a sorry look. I sit back and cross my arms.
"Louis please! It wasn't me! I promise! It was Niall!" I say.
"I believe you Harry! It's just I'm a bit mad at Niall." Niall blushes and looks down.
"I'm so sorry Louis! Really!" He says. Louis starts the car and get on the road quickly. The ride home is silent. Niall looking at me every now and then. I don't want to talk to Niall right now. The whole situation is just shit! Louis is mad at Niall on our wedding! When we get home Liam is sitting watching tv.
"What's up guys? Niall?" Niall stumbles in coughing. Liam stands up. Niall runs to the bathroom. I hear him puke.
"Did you guys get him drunk?" Liam asks.
"Well he did drink half of the beers that were there. So kinda!" Louis laughs. Good! At least he can still joke around! But right when Niall walks out Louis grabs his ear. Niall groans and Louis leads him upstairs. I follow them. Liam goes to Bethanies room with Olivia. I pop I for a moment.
"Hey Steph! Whatcha doing?" I ask. She jumps up and runs after me! I pick her up and hug her tight.
"Daddy H!" She squeals. Olivia laughs and gets up. Liam and her stand there hand in hand. They are so cute together! I kiss Steph on the cheek.
"Olivia and I were playing dollies! It's fun! Wanna play?" She asks.
"I would love to baby but it's time for bed. Want me to read you a bed time story?" I ask. She nods with a bright smile on her face. Olivia leave and close the door behind them. Stephanie gets dressed and jumps on her bed.
"Read this!" It's a story about a princess and her friends. They go on an adventure to find true love. Hehe! Just then I hear someone shout oww! Oh my god Louis is spanking Niall!
Louis' pov..
I drag Niall into the room by his ear. I throw him on the bed and he looks at me in shock.
"Don't look at me like that. You know why I'm mad at you. You kissed my husband! Come on Ni! You are almost 20!" He sits up.
"I told you I was sorry. I wasn't thinking! I was drunk and high! I'm really sorry!" He says. I sigh. If it works on Harry then it should work o Niall. I sit down and pull him over my lap. He squirms.
"Lou what are you doing?"
"You get 25 Ni! Now don't squirm so we can get this over with!"
"What? No!! Please!" He begs.
"Sorry Niall. You brought this upon yourself." I hit him first in the middle of his bum. He screams out in pain. I try to keep going but his screams get louder. I hate doing this but it had to happen. I stop at 20 instead. I grab him and hug him close. He burrows his head in my neck.
"I'm sorry Niall but you need to learn. You don't go get drunk whenever."
"I'm sorry Lou! Really!" Niall apologizes. I hug him. He falls asleep on my shoulder. Harry walks in.
"Spanking?" I nod. I pick up Nialls limp body and put him in the extra bed. I cover him up and go back up to Harry. He's in his boxers in the bed. I undress and roll over him to my side.
"Tomorrow baby! I promise!" I whisper. He smiles and kisses me. Best day ever!
Soo..?? Well thanks for reading! Love y'all! I'll update real soon for yah lovelies! Enjoy peeps!

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