Following in your footsteps

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Okay so after 2 A/N here is finally a chapter! Thanks!

Harry's pov..

After we are done eating our lunch we take Stephanie up to her new room. Lou and I painted it purple! And put flowers everywhere.

"Wow! It's beautiful!" She says. We lay her stuff on the bed.

"Well this is your room!" Louis says. I snort.

"Why couldn't you make our room this pretty!" I whisper. But of course, Louis hears.

"Excuse me mister? Do you want another spanking?" Stephanie watches me closely. I put my head down.

"No. I'm sorry Lou!" I say.

"It's okay just stop with the attitude though! It's getting a but annoying!" Louis says. Stephanie jumps on her bed.

"Can we play a game?" She asks. Louis smiles.

"Sure sweetie! What do you want to play?" Louis asks. She shrugs.

"I dunno. What can we play?" She asks.

"We'll since its almost bedtime how about we play hide n seek?" Louis asks.

"Yes!! I love the game!" She squeals.

"Okay you guys hide and I'll seek you!" Louis says. Right when Louis turns around I grab her arm.

"Lets go!" I say. She smiles while running down the stairs with me. Liam is down there watching t.v.

"Oh hey g..."

"Shhh!" Stephanie hushes him.

"Oh! Sorry!" He whispers.

"So where to Steph?" I ask. She looks around.

"Under the table!" She says. I pick her up and hugs her into my chest. We duck under the table and hide. We hear Lou's coming down the steps.

"Guys? Where are you?" He asks.

"I think the went into my room." Liam says. Louis nods and runs away. Liam winks at us. Stephanie gives him a thumbs up! Then Louis comes back in.

"Nope not there. Guys, come out come out wherever you are!" Louis says walking really close to the table. Oh no!

Stephanie's pov..

Daddy L's feet are really close to the table. I scoot back a bit.

"Boo!" Daddy says laughing. I get up from under the table.

"This is shit! Liam told you where we were!" Louis stares at me angrily.

"Stephanie Irene Tomlinson! Upstairs now!" He yells.

"But Liam told you where we were!" I scream back. I'm doing it daddy H's way! Harry's gets out from underneath the table.

"Stephanie! That is mean! Go apologize to Liam!" Daddy h says.

"No!!" I yell! Liam cheated!

"Stephanie! Upstairs, NOW!" Louis screams. I put my head down and stomp upstairs. We go into my room and Louis closes the door.

"Stephanie! That is not acceptable! I don't like your tone young lady! For that, you get a spanking!" He says. Oh no!

"No daddy L! Please!" I beg.

"Nope! Come on!" He brings me over his lap. I start to cry a bit.

"It's okay. Just 20 hits then you can go to bed!" He says. The first smack comes down on my bottom and I scream out in pain. It hurts so bad!!!

"Ow daddy! That hurts! Ow!" I yell while crying. He keeps on going.

"10 more sweetheart!" He says soothingly. I bare myself and he starts up again. I flail on his lap. He holds me down to finish it off wit five deathly hits. When he's done he grabs me and pulls me close. I cry into his shoulder. He pats my back.

"Sh. It's okay Steph! I'm not mad anymore! Calm down sweetie!" He says. Soon I stop crying and slip off his lap.

"What...?" I open the door and go downstairs. Louis follows. I go down and stand in front of Liam. Harry and Louis also watching.

"I'm so sorry Uncle Liam! I love you!" I say hugging him. He hugs back and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too Steph!" He says. I smile. I run over to my daddy's!

"I'm so proud of you baby!" Harry says. I smile! The both hug me. I yawn.

"Someone's tired! Lets go get into bed!" Louis says picking me up. I lay my head on his shoulder. He tucks me in bed.

"Love you Steph! I was very proud of you tonight!" Louis say kissing my forehead.

"Love you too daddy l! Night!"

"I love you princess! So much! I'm proud of you!" Harry says giving me a big squeeze and a kiss.

"Love you too daddy h! Night guys!" I say. They both blow me kisses and close the door. I turn over and fall asleep thinking about my new family. I love them!


Okay so? I decided to have Louis spank Stephanie. And uh she had a reason. She is going to admit that She was following Harry's lead here soon and Harry's going to get a spanking! So thanks! @jennabenna514 gave me a good idea! So thanks for that! Love y'all! Enjoy!

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