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So this one is special! Thanks for the requests and all! Enjoy!

Harry's pov..

I wake up and open my eyes slowly. The light of the sun is blinding. The bed makes a sound as I roll over to face Louis. A smile spreads across my face as his beautiful blue eyes open.

"Hey love!" He says kissing me. I kiss back passionately. The sweet taste of his lips always turns me on.

"Good morning Lou!" I say back. He gets up and straddles me.

"I love your voice in the morning! It's so hot!" He says kissing me once more. I moan as the feeling of his tongue slipping into my mouth. Our erections rub together. I grunt and he lifts up. I sigh as he gets up from the bed.

"Tonight! I promise baby! But first I was thinking. How about I take you somewhere for a surprise. But you have to come with me to pick out the right one! You up for it?" He asks. My face brightens.

"Yes!" He laughs and pulls on some sweats. My first thought is for the wedding. But it's not till in 5 months. Huh. I wonder. I also get up and pull on some sweats. We both head downstairs and fin Zayn sleeping on the couch. Louis snorts. He gets a bucket of cold water and goes over to Zayn! Oh my gosh! Louis tips the bucket and all the water rushes out onto Zayn. He jumps up screaming.

"AHH! WHAT THE HELL LOU?" He screams. Liam runs out of his room and sees Louis laughing hysterically I the floor. I start to giggle but Zayn gives me a glare.

"Oh come on Zayn! It was just a joke!" Louis laughs. Liam walks over.

"Sorry Zayn! This is what you get for pranking all of us!" Liam says patting Zayns shoulder. Olivia comes out into the kitchen where I am.

"Hey Liv!" I say. She nods and gets her tea. She heads right back into Liam's room. I feel bad but am also happy for her! Liam sees her and runs into the room. He closes the door slowly. Then Niall walks out of the spare bedroom.

"What in the bloody hell?! I was sleeping guys!"

"What in the bloody hell are you and Zayn still doing here? What is this like a sleep over part that I didn't know about at my house?" I ask. Niall giggles.

"Maybe!" I'm already eating my cereal. Louis comes in and eats his I made him.

"Well you guys need to leave! Our house our rules!" Louis laughs. I nod!

"Fine! Come on Zayn! Wait what about Liam?" Niall asks.

"We are helping him now LEAVE!" Louis says. They get dressed and leave. I sigh in relief.

"Finally some peace and quiet! I'll be right back down. I'm going to get dressed!" I say heading upstairs. I decide to wear gray skinny jeans with a white shirt. I mess with my hair and slide on my converse. Louis comes in and I see him get undressed. I watch his perfectly shaped bum stick up in the air as he bends down. Damn that ass. He puts on red skinny jeans with a blue and white stripes shirt. With blue suspenders. He runs a hand through his hair and puts on his Navy blue Toms. He comes into the bathroom where I am.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod. As Louis gets the keys I go to Liam's room and knock.

"Come in!" Liam says.

"Hey! We are leaving somewhere that Louis won't tell! We'll be back soon! Love you guys!" I say. Olivia waves her hand.

"We were just about to go shopping! See you mates later!" Liam says. Olivia smiles at Liam and I close the door.

They are a cute couple!

"Come on Haz!" Louis yells. I run to the door ad get into the car. As we're driving I try to guess where were going.

"I don't know Lou! Just hurry up!" I say. He laughs. He pulls into a place that says adoption center.

"We're getting another dog?" I ask. He laughs.

"No silly! We're are looking for a child!" He says. I look at him with wide eyes.

"Oh my gosh Lou! YEAH!" I scream. He pats my thigh.

"Now do you want a girl or boy?" He asks.


"What age?"


"Okay! Lets go!" He says. I hop out of the car and rush in. The girl at the desk smiles!


"Hi! We are here to look!" Louis says.

"What ages and what gender?" She asks.

"Ages 5-7 and gender girl!" Louis says.

"Follow me." We follow her to the back of the adoption center. I immediately see girls in a line. One catches my eye.

"Girls! They are here to adopt! Be on your best behaviors!" She says.

"Okay boys! Look around and when you find one tell me and I will help you! Thanks!" She say. She winks at the girls and they all giggle. Louis and I go in different directions.

"Hello baby girl! What's your name?" I ask. She blushes.

"Stephanie. I'm 5 years old and love to dance and sing! I turn 6 in free monfs." She says. I smile. This is the girl.

"Hey Lou! Come here!" I say. He does and bends down like I am.

"Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Louis! What's you name?" He asks.

"My name is Stephanie! I'm 5 and love to dance and sing. I'm turning 6 in free monfs." She says. Louis smiles and nods.

"I think so Harry!" Louis smiles at her. We go up to the desk.

"Hello boys! Did you find a girl you like?" She asks. We nod.

"Stephanie!" I say. She smiles.

"Stephanie is a sweet little girl. She has been here for about 5 years. She is very outgoing! Her mom died in a car accident and her dad gave her to us. She's 5 turning 6 in 3 months. She's never been in school but would love to go sometime!" She says. Louis and I nod.

"Okay! Let me go get her and her stuff!" She says. We both nod and when she leaves I start jumping up and down!

"OMG OMG OMG!" I say. Louis laughs and pats my shoulder.

"Calm down!" He says. Then she returns with Stephanie and her stuff!

"Hello daddy's!" She says running up to us. We both laugh and hug her. Louis pays and signs a bunch of papers. After we're done I carry Stephanie outside to the car. She looks happy and excited!

"Can I call you Steph?" I ask kissing her forehead.

"Call me whatever you want daddy!" She says kissing me cheek. Louis giggles.

"You are the cutest thing!" Louis says.

"Fank you daddy L!" She says. I laugh!

"Daddy L?" I ask.

"Yeah! He's daddy L your daddy H! To keep you separated! But I love you bof!" She says. Oh my gosh she's the best!


Surprise! Long Ik! Well hope you like it! And the way she talks is because she has a gap in her teeth! She's missing some! Hehe! I can picture her and she's adorable! Well I will be updating soon! Thanks!

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