I'm Back?

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Harry's POV...


I sing the last line into the microphone loudly.All the lights go off and we all stand there in silent, smiling while the crowd goes wild. It almost makes my ears hurt. But by now, I don't really give a damn.

"Thank you guys so much for coming! It means a lot for us! We love you all!" Niall yells waving his hand up and down. I laugh and nod my head in agreement before walking off stage right behind Louis. To be honest, I'm surprised the girls haven't found out about Louis and I being married! It's pretty surprising!

"You were amazing babe!" Louis comes up and gives me a quick peck on the lips making me giggle. It seems like forever since we have all been...happy yah know? And to be honest, I like it better this way. I mean who wouldn't?

"C'mon boys! Get your clothes and lets get to the bus." Paul comes over to us clapping his hands walking around to make sure we haven't left anything behind. My eyes quickly scan over my mirror making sure as well.

"Liam, could I borrow your cologne?" Niall whines throwing his across the room. Liam laughs and hands his to Niall.

"Sure mate. Don't worry, we can always get you more!" Niall glares over at Liam and sprays like a pound of the stuff on.

"Jesus Christ Niall. That's a lot! Now we know why your bottles go so quickly." Zayn chuckles before throwing his arm around Nialls shoulders.

"Whatever dickheads!" Niall scowls. Louis furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head in disapproval. I smile and wink in his direction.

"LETS GO BOYS! RUN!" Paul is waving his hands up and down wildly. I then notice a crowd of girls running right towards us. I gasp and grab my bag that I had stuffed all of my things in.

"Whoa, that's to many." Liam groans. He pulls his pants on and starts to race towards the door leading outside to our tour bus. I follow close behind, then Niall, then Louis, and last but not least, Zayn.

"Stay back ladies." Paul holds out his hands to catch a few fast runners. He looks back and makes sure we're all almost in the bus and starts to run towards us. I smirk and wave my hands.

"LETS GO PAUL!!! YOU CAN DO IT!" I chant loudly. He starts to laugh, losing his speed. I soon notice the girls getting closer so I take the risk of sticking in the keys to close the door.

"Harry, what about Paul?" Louis points out side. Ah, he'll make it.

I start to slowly close the door making Paul speed up. He just barely fits through the crack of the doors before they slam shut.

"Oh my god Harry you about have me a heart attack!!" He breaths holding his chest tightly. All the girl start pounding on the windows and doors.

"My god, you'd think we would be getting attacked." Niall shrugs laying down on the couch. I sit down beside him sighing and closing my eyes tightly.

"So Harry, we would love to hear what happened!" Zayn says patting my thigh. I moan and open my eyes only to see a very jealous Louis staring at Zayns hand on my thigh.

"Lou...?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head and looks up at me smiling! Ae, there it is!!

"Would you like to explain what exactly happened?" I smirk making him turn a shade of red.

"Uh... I have to go to the bathroom for a......minute. Youcanharry." He mumbles lowly. Liam and Zayn both laugh at his weirdness.

"Typical Louis is back. Anyways, what did happen?" Liam turns back to me and stares into my eyes. I try to not blush but it ends up popping up.

"Well, they're not completely sure exactly what is causing the pain but you know that Louis and I uh.....mate and all-"

"Yes, yes Harry now get into the details about what has actually happened." Niall says waving his hands. He just walked in after going back and changing. Zayn laughs and stands to get a water bottle.

"Okay I'm not completely sure but they think there is something wrong with my liver or kidney. They can't feel exactly yet like I told you but they're trying to get as close as they can." I sigh running my hand though my hair. Liam shakes his head slowly.

"I'm sorry mate. I hope everything goes okay." Liam says looking up and frowning.

I nod, "Me too Liam. Me too..."

I'm happy they're happy again! Lol! I want more feedback on this book so if you could tell me in the comments that would be great! Thanks so much for all that are reading! Seriously, I love y'all so much. I'll update soon I promise!

I'm still a bit worried about Harry tho, anybody have any suggestions? ;D Comment what you think should happen to him! Or pm me if you would like! Bc tbh, I need a little help!

Next book is going to be coming out in like 5 chapters, maybe 4! sooo excited! Thanks so much for all you've done for this book! Love y'all!!!!!!


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