Another Surprise?!

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So @larrystylinsonluv had a great idea! It might not happen in this chapter but I just thought that I would tell you there's a surprise coming! Thanks!

Liam's POV...

I start to softly chuckle at Niall. It's almost as if he's in a trance. I come up to the door.

"Hi Abby! You can come in. The other boys should be up soon!" She nods and steps in past Niall. Niall looks down at her butt. I hit his arm. He shakes his head and frowns. I smile and walk in behind Abby. Niall follows closely behind.

"So you must be Liam! With the baby?" Abby turns around and puts out her hand. I shake it and nod.

"Yes! And you must be Abby. Louis' best friend!" She nods and smiles. I will admit she's pretty but I love Olivia! Olivia is smoking! No one could ever take her place! Abby walks up to Niall. He turns a shade of pink.

"And you are Niall, right?" He sighs and nods.

"Yes! Nice to meet you!" I try to hold in the laughter dying to come out! Ive never seen Niall like this! As Abby sits on the couch I make my way and plop right into the bed.

"So how was your flight?" I ask. Niall sits on the other bed. I can tell he's still mad at me for punishing him but you know what? I think it's a good lesson! Abby groans.

"Horrible! I had to sit next to this fat hairy guy. He kept sneezing and coughing on me. He fell asleep on my shoulder snoring louder than ever!" I kinda laugh at the comment. Abby smiles. Niall starts to chuckle!

"So you had a bad flight?" Niall asks. Abby shrugs.

"Kinda! I mean the girl giving me water and peanuts was nice so that's good! But other than that it was horrid!" Niall chuckles! I smile and close my eyes. I pick a moment to think about Olivia and Liam Jr! They are now my two favorite people in the world and I'm soon going to have to propose. I mean it's hard knowing your parents aren't completely together. But then again, I need to plan this all out. I want it to be romantic. I hear a knock on the door. I open my eyes and see that Niall and Abby are gone. I smirk and rush to the door. I open it to see Olivia, Liam Jr, and Zayn! They come in and put their stuff in.

"Wow this is a pretty big hotel!" Olivia says in amazement. Zayn adds a "yeah!" Liam Jr is layed on the bed. He starts to giggle.

"How's my little boy? Huh?" I start to tickle him. He laughs loudly! I pick him up and swing him around. Zayn chuckles!

"Babe, be careful!" Olivia sighs. I wrap one arm around him and go over to Olivia. She looks up and smiles.

"I'm sorry!" I say pecking her lips ever so softly.

"It's fine!" She says giving Liam Jr a kiss. I smile. Zayn moans.

"I think I'm going to leave. Here and I'll take Liam Jr!" He takes Jr out of my hands and walks out waving. Olivia puts her hand up.

"Be careful with him Zayn! Dont let anything happen!" Zayn rolls his eyes.

"I know!" She smirks. I grab her hands and intertwine out fingers. She kisses me again.

"I love you!"

"I love you more!" Her sexy smile appears!

Harry's POV..

Once we get into the room I dump my things on the bed and groan.

"I'm tired!" I sigh. Louis sits next to me and kisses me.

"I am too! Maybe we could take a nap." I smile and nod. Theres a knock. I groan.

"Maybe later..." Louis says getting up and opening the door. Zayn walks in with Liam Jr and Abby following close behind him. Louis pounces on Abby once she's in the door. I shake my and laugh! Oh Louis! Zayn sits down rocking Jr in his arms. Louis sits down next to Abby.

"How was your flight?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"I had to sit next to a hairy guy. It was horrible lets leave it at that!" Louis, Zayn, Jr and I start laughing. Jr only laughs because Zayns tickling him. Theres another knock.

"Jesus were busy aren't we?" I open the door and there stands a Niall. He waves and comes skipping in. He takes a seat next to Abby. Then I notice the staring. Niall is staring at Abby as we talk. I nudge his shoulder. He looks at me. Louis looks at me and furrows his eyebrows. I smirk. Niall follows me outside the door. I start whispering.

"Ni? Is someone in love?" I ask teasing a bit. He sighs.

"Maybe..." I smile!

"Yah! Congrats! It's Abby isn't it?" He nods. I pat his arm.

"Might have to ask Lou on that one. They are besties mate! I don't even know if he'll let you!" Niall nods again.

"I know that's the thing! I was going to ask you to see if you might talk to Louis about it. Ask Liam! It was true love at first sight!" I AWW at that. I love true love. I give him a nod.

"I'll try! I promise!" And that is a promise I will keep! But right now, I want Louis to just talk to personally. I need to talk to him about things. Not about the relationship but other things. Then I feel a tap on my leg. I look down and see Stephanie. I smile and pick her up giving her a kiss.


Okay so I got 7 votes in like 1 hr so that's the limit. 7 votes! But I really hope you are enjoying this book! Let me know! Thanks! I'll update soon! Love y'all!

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