This Is Awesome!

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Harry's pov..
I reach for Louis in the bed. I feel his abs run through my fingers. He gets goose bumps and his eyes shoot open. I laugh!
"Sorry!" I giggle. He turns to face me. His hot breath running over my face.
"It's okay baby! How'd you sleep?" He asks. A smile appears on my face.
"Great! I dreamt of us." I say. He smiles and kisses my forehead. He rolls over and get out of bed. I moan at the loss of heat. He chuckles and puts on some sweats. I sit up and mess with my hair. Louis goes into the bathroom. I also get up and pull on some sweats. The room is cold on my chest. The cold stairs creak as I step down them. When I get into the kitchen and start to wash my hands someone grabs me from behind.
"Gotcha!" Louis whispers in my ear. I giggle and he lays me down on the couch. I see him move on top of me. I pull him down in for a long kiss. When we stop he smiles at me and get up.
"French Toast good?" Louis asks.
"Yes!! I love French toast! Its like the best thing in the world!" I yell. He gets out bread and his face turns into a frown.
"What's up babe?" I ask coming into the kitchen. He shrugs.
"It's just my mum is struggling. With cancer and all. I'm worried." He sighs. I grab his waist from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder.
"Louis, she'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to her. I promise Lou. If you help her through this she will make it. Your mum is a strong courageous woman. She's amazing!" I say. The smile reappears on his face.
"You really think so?" A bright blush on his face. I nod.
"I know so!" And kiss him on the cheek before going and getting my iPod. I blast Treasure by Bruno Mars. It's like the BEST SONG EVER!(see what I did there?;)
"I love this song!" Louis squeals. I laugh and sit down at the table as Louis sits a plate full of syrup in front of me. The French Toast is covered in syrup. He grabs his plate and sits next to me. We eat our breakfast in peace while listening to music. Once were done we sit on the Hamick outside.
"This is beautiful!" I say. He nods his head. The beach is amazing! I want to live on the beach some day! The breeze feels good on my face. It's hot out here but the breeze helps it.
"Hey wanna go swimming?" He asks. I stop and think. Ugh sharks. I don't know.
"There aren't any sharks! I promise baby. And plus I'll be out there with you!" He says. I sit there for a moment before nodding my head.
"Lets go!" We run into the water with our underwear on. It's pretty funny actually! This scene! When we get in it's cold as ever.
"Oh my Jesus its cold!" Louis says as he falls back into the water. The water splashes and hits me. I wince. Then he pops up and grabs me.
"Ahh!" I scream. He smiles and pulls me in. It's freezing in here! We laugh and play for at least 4 hours before getting out and deciding to eat dinner. It's already 6:00!
"Holy crap! It's 6:00!" He says laughing! I nod and look down and see what he's putting on my plate. It's spaghetti. I smile.
"You are so romantic!" He laughs. He kisses my cheek before handing me my plate. I kiss his cheek and say 'thanks'! He nods and I go outside to eat. When were out side the world stops. We stare at each other while we're eating. It's cute but to some people weird. Just then there's a black car that pulls up. Oh fuck!
"Harry, inside now!" Just then there's flashes everywhere. Paparazzi are here taking pictures. I get really mad.
"Get the fuck out of here!" Louis glares at me. I start to swing and actually hit a paparazzi guy in the face. He grunts. Everyone ohhs.
"That's it!" Louis grabs my waist and pulls me inside pulling the curtain closed.
"Why the hell?" Louis asks.
"I didn't mean too! I promise!" I beg. He shakes his head.
"You get 30 for punching and cursing!" I sigh and get up. He harshly pulls me on his lap.
"It's bad Harry. You are a role model to a bunch of people and you need to be more respectful!" He says. I nod and get ready for the smacks. He's doing it bare with only his hand. I close my eyes and hold my breath. It's starts right on my bum! I screech out in pain.
"LLLLOOUUU!!" I squeal. He keeps on hitting. The smacks are hard but also soft. By 15 my bum is numb!
"Oww! Louis please stop!"
"10 more!" He places them on my thighs. The screaming is loud and terrifying. How paparazzi can't here. I grab tight to his thigh as he hits the last 5. It's hurts like shit!
"Louis stop please!" He ends it with a slap on the bum. I jump up and hug him tightly.
"I'm so sorry Louis!" I cry out. He nods.
"It's okay baby! Your fine now! Just remember that you can't do things like that. It's bad." I nod. He kisses me and lays behind me on the couch. He snuggles close to my back. I feel his abs through his shirt pressed onto my back. The tears are still coming but I soon calm down and close my eyes.
"I love you baby!" Louis says. I nod as kiss his hand.
"I love you more!"
Okay added spanking on their honeymoon! Yeah!! So enjoy! Love y'all!

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