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Well I would just like to say that I got 960 reads in less than 10 mins! Holy crap guys! Thank you! And I got another vote in less than 4 mins!for me that's impressive! Thank y'all!

Harry's pov..

I decide to go out with Zayn and Niall tonight. They are going to a bar really close to my house. I haven't told Louis and I am not planning on telling him. I'm 19 turning twenty in February of next year! He needs to know that! Yes he's 21 and turning 22 in 5 months but who cares? I'm old enough to go out on my own. He can't tell me no. I get into a robe over my clothes that I'm wearing to the bar.

"Hazza why are you wearing a robe?" Louis asks. Oh shit.

"We'll um you got it for me for my birthday and I haven't worn it. I decided it would be nice to wear it!" I lie. It hurts to lie but I have to.

"Awww thanks Haz! You don't have to. You can thought it looks pretty good on you!" He says smiling and giggling a bit.

"Only for the best!" I say and fake a smile. He pats the bed. I jump on it. He wraps his arms around me. I love his snuggles.he lays down with me and grabs my waist to pull me closer. I accept it and get closer to his warm body. All of my goose bumps come out at the contact. They always do! I giggle!

"Night babe!" Louis groans.

"Night Lou! Love you!"

"Love you too!" A few minutes later he rolls over and is snoring. I smile! He's so adorable! My phone vibrates.

"From Niall, We are outside! Come on!" I laugh a low laugh! They want to be on time for everything. I get up, take the robe off and grab my phone. Zayn and Niall are standing on the sidewalk.

"Come on!" Zayn whisper screams. I run out to them.

"Ready to go?" Niall asks. I smile.

"Ready as I will ever be!" I say. When we get there I immediately get a beer. Oh boy!

Louis' pov..

I shoot up after my nightmare. It was about Harry dying and me killing myself. God Lou, what have you been watching? I look over to Harry's side. He's not there. Was my nightmare true? Is he dead. He can't be. I start to panic. Where did he go? I get up and walk to the bathroom. He's not there either. I get my phone and call his.

"H..e..l..l..o?" It's a slurred hello but it's Harry.

"Where the hell are you?" I ask. I'm angry.

"Um with Niall and Zayn at a fucking bar! You got a problem?" He asks. I snort.

"Yes I've got a 'problem'." I say. He grunts.

"Well deal with it alone! I'm kissing and having fun with Niall! Bye bitch!" He hangs up. I just groan. He does this when he's drunk. He's only been drunk like 2 times before this. I go to the nearest bar. I go in and it's packed for it being 2 am. I move around the body's dancing on the floor. This on girl tries to grind me. I just push her off. Then I spot Harry. He's sitting at the bar talking to Zayn. Zayn is patting his shoulder. It almost looks like he's trying to tell him to calm down. I run over.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking about taking him to a bar Zayn? I thought you were better than this." I say, clearly annoyed.

"We'll I didn't know he would get drunk! Sorry Lou! Take him home." Zayn says. Harry stands and follows me out of the bar. He stumbles out of the building. I kinda giggle as he hits his head when he gets in the car but go serious when I get in.

"Harry you lied to me!" I scream.

"Yeah so?" He says. I get red with anger. My face heats up.

"So.. You are going to be punished! But not tonight. In the morning! You will be so sorry." I say starting the car. He gulps. I smirk. I love my tricks!


Haha! Well guys I'm leaving myrtle beach on Wednesday. I'm gonna miss this place! I will be updating! Love you guys!

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