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Hey y'all!!!!!! I would like to take a moment and appreciate all of you guys! Thank you sooo much for supporting me! I love you all so much!

Do you think I should follow through with this Eleanor thing or do you think I should make it a two chapter thing? I not sure what to do! AGHHH help!

And btw, @directioner000005 and I made a new book. It's called The Switch and it's about two teen sisters that are twins. You get to discover their lives as twins. And if your reading my book The Other Side it's Bethanie that I'm writing it with. LOL! The book is on her profile. It's a teen fiction!!

(Your at a concert and Louis pauses the music. He looks up to Harry and smiles.

"Guys. We want to tell you a secret."

Louis pauses again. Harry continues.

"Go read The Switch and we will tell you!")

To be continued......x

OMG so GO READ! I love you guys so much! How y'all been anyways? Where are y'all from? That's something I would love to know!! Anyways, thanks so much for reading! I love you all like always!

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