Braking heart

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Louis' pov..

I hate seeing my boyfriend in pain. I hate it! I felt bad when I noticed how many times I had spanked him last night. 70 times. Ouch. So this morning I'm going to make him breakfast. Make up for things. I sit up in bed and look at Harry. He has such beautiful features. His eyes are as green as the grass in meadows. So beautiful. He is the perfect boyfriend! I love him dearly! It's just sometimes he gets on my nerves. I get up and slide on some sweats. When I'm down stairs I start breakfast. He loves French toast! It's his favorite! Just then I hear moving. I start to move rather quickly. I just brake the eggs in there. I quickly get out the bread. Soon I'm getting the apple juice out and I'm pouring it. Harry appears.

"Well good morning Lou!" He says. I look at him and smile! He always brightens my mood.

"Yeah for the little accident last night. Sorry about that baby!" I say. He kisses me.

"It's okay babe! I love you!" He says back. We both sit down at the table and start eating. Soon Harry is making a disgusted face.

"Ohh shit Louis there's shell in here! What the fu..." He dies down. I stare at him angry. I don't get the point I cussing. Just the words. I don't know. I stand up.

"Oh Lou come on now. I promise it won't happen again. Fuck this." He gets up and heads to the stairs. I grab his arm. I just start spanking.

"OWWW Lou that hurts!! Stop! Please!" Harry yelps. I just keep going. Then I realize what I'm doing. I stop and go to hug him. He jerks back.

"You jerk! You spanked me for doing nothing! Ever heard of something called freedom of speech? Well it's here! Louis this is not what my morning wanted to go like! All I did was say two bad words. Any warnings? Nope guess not." He says crying and stomping up the stairs. I fall to my knees when he's shut the bedroom door. Why am I so stupid? Wait no I'm not stupid! It's for his own good. I lay there on the floor at war with myself. Why can't I just be normal. I decide I need a drive. I get my keys and leave a note on the door. I just drive. Soon I feel dizzy and crash into something. Then blackness.


Oh no Louis! Well I'm going to myrtle beach here soon so I will be updating a little more! Hope you enjoy! Thanks! Love you guys!

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