In Some Deep Shit

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Harry's pov..

I jump I the car with Louis. He gets in and doesn't even look at me. I frown.

"Jail is scary!" I say.

"I am very disappointed in you Harry. Don't talk to me. I'm in a very bad mood right now. So shut up!" He says harshly. I sit back in my seat and grunt.

"Niall and Justin were the ones that tol...."

"We will discuss this when we get home! I don't want to here you talking right now. Just hush it Harry you didn't have to do the dare."

"To stay in the game yeah!" I say back. He glares at me.

"To risk your own life no! You know this going to be everywhere! Right?! News, magazines! You might make the front cover of every freaking magazine! And your proud because your still in the game? Wow Harry. Just wow!" He screams. Tears are threatening to spill over. My hands are shaky.

"And second of all I'm going to be called the worst boyfriend in the world because I left you there and didn't bail you out! Thanks Harry. This is how you repay me?" He screams again. Now tears are spilling over my eyelids. My whole body is shaking. I did this to him and now I need to change it.

"I'm done. I'm just done! Are you learning Harry? I mean this has gone way to far. Jail? The boys are all mad except Niall who told you I do it. He is a little mad that you even tried! Come on Harry! I'm done." He says. Now I'm balling.

"I'm so sorry Louis! Please! Spank me when we get home!" I cry out.

"What does it do Harry? Nothing! You don't learn from it!" He says.

"Yes I do! Spank me 2,000 times! I'm still a teen Louis! Just please understand! Please!" I beg. He just shakes his head and sighs. I grab his hand. He looks at me.

"Harry the question I'm asking myself is,"is this relationship really going good? I mean I'm hurting you every day! That's hard for me! To see you hurt and all!" He says. My eyes fill with a bunch of tears.

"I don't want to lose you Lou! Please don't go!"

"Harry I will think about it when we get home. Please just let me think and stop talking! Please!" He starts to tear up. I sit back in my seat. The ready of the car ride is silence. My heart is thumping 50 miles per hour. Is he really thinking of braking up with me? I can't take it. When we get home I jump out of the car and run inside. I cry out.

"Haz?" Liam asks. I just run to my room. I slam the door and jump on the bed. I'm the worst boyfriend ever!

"BRAKE UP WITH ME LOU! I DON'T DESERVE YOU ANYWAY!" I scream and cry. I hear someone walking up the stairs. The door slowly opens.

"Harry?" It's Zayn. I put a pillow on my face.

"Aw come on mate don't be like that!" He says sitting next to me.

"I did something wrong Zayn! I went to jail! It was horrid! Louis is now thinking about braking up with me! How can I change his mood?" I say/ask.

"Have sex!" He giggles.

"Not funny right now Zayn! Seriously! He hates me!" I say. Zayn pats my shoulder.

"He does not hate you Haz! He's just having some thinking time right now!" He says.

"What did he tell you Zayn?" I ask.

"That you were to strip and get into the bathroom now!" Zayn says. I roll my red eyes.

"But really mate! He doesn't hate you!" He says leaving the room.

"Bye, thanks Zayn! Love you!" I say.

"No problem Harry!" He says. After he closes the door I strip and head into the bathroom. After a little while there's a knock at the door. It opens.

"Harry! I am very disappointed in you! Really! You are going to be sorry!" He says taking his belt off. I whimper and bend over the toilet.

"Sorry Lou!"

"Shut up!" He growls. I grab on to a towel. He starts without notice. God, fuck me! I cry out in pain over and over. I try to keep count but stop at 20 cause I can't take it anymore. There is pain everywhere on my back side.

"You got in trouble! You pushed a fan! You cussed at all the fans! You need to learn Harry!" I'm balling now. This has to be at least the 60th one! I start to beg.

"Louis please! Please stop babe!it hurts badly!"

"NO!" Louis screams. I bare the pain. Something's wrong with Louis. He usually stops at 100 but doesn't this time! My bum hurts so much. The door flings open and Zayn grabs Louis' arms.

"Let me go you bastard!" I look at them confused.

"He drank some kind if liquid he wasn't supposed to. Go get dressed. We are taking him to the E.R!" Liam screams. I limp back to my room.

"What liquid?" I ask Liam.

"Well it was just water but someone put this kind of alcohol in it. We don't know who but I'm a bit worried. I looked at it and found out someone had poisoned the water." Liam explains. So this isn't Louis, it's someone else. Great! Just great. My Lou is gone for a while.


Louis again?! So this is going to be complicated so just keep reading and try to follow. Someone contaminated the water. Someone put poisoning in the drinking water. Or something ran into it and mixed. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing yet but I'm starting the next chapter so ill have to figure it out! Thanks! Again!

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