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Harry's pov..

I was sitting on the couch just watching boring t.v when Louis yelled.

"HARRY STYLES! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE! NOW!" I wince at the force in his voice. What happened with him. I stomp up the stairs and go to the bathroom where he is. He is red and has a angry glare. His blue eyes seem darker than usual.

"What?" I ask totally confused. I have no idea.

"What is a tampon doing in the trash can? Why is it there? Are you not telling me everything I need to know?" He screams. I look at it confused. Oh yeah my friend, Olivia came over.

"My friend Olivia came over Lou! Chill!" I say. He then tenses up.

"Olivia? I know Olivia! Do you guys have something going on? Why was she here when I wasn't?" He throws all these questions at me. I put my hands up.

"I swear she was just here to visit! I promise Lou! Nothing else!" I say. He throws the tampon away. I back out of the room.

"Not so fast!" He says. I stop in my tracks and sigh. What now?

"What? I ask turning around. I gasp at the sight.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? HUH? TELL ME! HARRY IF YOU WANT TO BREAK UP JUST TELL ME!" He screams. I start to start to get tears.

"I don't know Lou. Olivia might have used it?" I say. It's a vibrator. God Olivia. She has always been nasty. But she's a nice friend.

"Come on Harry. Lets go do 50!" Be says. I follow him into our bedroom. He bends me over the bed. He starts.

"Harry do you know how sad that makes me? Tell me when someone's coming please! And tell me everything!" He is up to only 20 and my bums burning. I whimper at the touch. He keeps on going. It burns so bad. What makes him think that I have a thing for Olivia? We are only friends! Nothing more! This makes me mad. I fling back.

"STOP!" I get into his face. He backs up a bit. Then stands up.

"Excuse me?" He says sounding annoyed.

"I'm tired of this shit!" I say. Then I think about it. No. I'm just mad. This spanking stuff helps me! It helps my life. I look at Louis.

"Sorry. I'm just mad. Letting off anger. God Harry! Why? You always mess it up! Always!" I scream now crying. I'm mixed with emotion right now. I'm torn. Louis looks at me. I look up. He smiles and grabs me and pulls me on the bed with him.

"It's okay baby. I understand. Now lets call Olivia!" He says. Oh fuck. Well I hope she tells the truth. Louis dials her number.




"Hello?" Olivia asks. I sigh in relief.

"Hi Liv! Um okay so I would like to ask you something. We're you here anytime soon?" He asks.

"Yeah!me and Harry hung out like 1 day ago." She says still confused.

"Why?" She asks.

"Um well I found a tampon and vibrator in the bathroom! Are those yours?" He asks. Olivia gulps.

"Fuck." She whispers.

"Yes those are mine! I'm sorry! I was bored and decided to use one!" She says. Louis look at me.

"Oh no it's okay! I was just seeing if they were yours! Thanks!" Louis says.

"No problem Lou! Love you bye!"

"Love you too! Bye!" He hangs up. I look at him.

"Told you!" I say. He chuckles. He grabs me and pulls me into the bed.

"I'm sorry Harry. It was my fault. Sorry. What do you want to do?" He asks. I have some ideas...


IT'S FUCKING 1AM IN THE MORNING! HOLY CRAP! Well hope you enjoyed! I will be updating soon! Thanks!

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