After Party

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Sorry it took so long to update! Love you all! And thanks for the millionth time!
Harry's pov..
"Harry, Louis, I'm soo happy for you!" Niall squeals. I laugh still wiping my tears up. He hugs me gently.
"Yeah! That was amazing. Very emotional! I love you guys!" Liam says hugging both of us. I laugh and hug back.
"Where's Zayn?" I ask.
"Bathroom. He said that he would look really ugly crying." Liam says. Louis and I laugh! This is the best day ever! I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Stephanie.
"STEPH!" I scream scooping her up! She laughs and wraps her tiny arms around my neck. I kiss her cheek while spinning her. I soon get dizzy.
"You guys did really good up there!" Stephanie says. Louis tickles her from behind!
"You too Daddy L! I love you both!" She says trying to hug is both. Louis laughs! His laugh is so cute! Okay stop Harry! For now!
"Harry!?" I hear a girl scream.
"OLIVIA!?" I scream back. When I turn around Olivia is crying and is laughing. I take her into my arms and give her a squeeze. She wraps her arms around my neck and puts her head on my shoulder.
"You guys were great! I'm so happy for you!" Olivia whispers. I smile! I get hugged from behind and almost fall! God!
"Who the h....."
"IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU HARRY!" It's Gemma. Of course it is!
"Hello Gem!" I say. She kisses my neck. She looks me in the eye and I see a few tears.
"We are happy for you! I love you so much!"
"Love you too! Love you too Olivia!" They laugh and head off to go talk to people. I can't find Louis. Where would Louis be? Huh. I bump into someone.
"Oh!" It's my mum.
"MUM!" I scream. She laughs and hugs me.
"I couldn't find you! Harry, I'm so happy for you!" She says. I smile and kiss her cheek!
"Thanks mum!"
"You and Louis look beautiful together! And Stephanie is the most wonderful thing ever!" She says. I nod! I have to admit she is the most wonderful thing to me.
"Have you seen Lou?" I ask. She points behind her.
"Already talked to him. He's talking to one of his friends." She says. I nod.
"Thanks, love you mum!"
"Love you to sweetie!" She says before I set off to find him. He's talking to a girl. She has brown hair with brown eyes. She looks pretty in that white dress.
"Hey Lou! Who's this?" I ask.
"Oh this is Abby! Her and I have known each other since pre school! We are besties!" He says.
"Hi Abby! Nice to meet you!" I say shaking her hand.
"I've heard so much about you!" Abby says smiling at me. I laugh!
"Have you now?" Louis blushes.
"And by the way, great job! You and Louis are the cutest thing together!" Se says giggling a bit. I hug her once for a thank you!
"Thanks Abs! Is it okay if I call you that?"
"Yeah! I get called that all the time!" Louis hands me a shot. I look at him confused.
"Together?" He asks. I nod. We do the cheers thing and take it down. I swallow and cough. It's cold and scratchy. He grabs my hand.
"You okay Haz?" He asks. I nod. He laughs! Someone clinks their glass.
"Excuse me? Excuse me?" Everyone stops and looks at my mom.
"I would like to do a toast to Harry and Louis. They are amazing. And thank you guys! For changing my life! I love you both so much! So much! You guys are wonderful people!" Everyone says cheers and take a sip. Ha just like in movies! I wink at my mom. Louis grabs my hand again.
"Lets go meet people we haven't before!" We go into a crowd.
"Harry, Louis!" We looks to our right. It my aunt.
"Aunt Rose!" I say. She runs over and hugs me.
"Oh you two! I love you both!" She also gives Louis a hug and kisses us both. I look at my watch. It says 11:00! Oh my god! Time is going by way to fast! I sigh.
"Lou? It's already 11!" I say.
"Wow! And it was what, 6 when we got here?"
"About there!" I say. We both stare at each other. He chuckles and kisses me again. Our lips touch and I swear there's fireworks! Talking about fireworks. There's a huge boom. We both jump. Everyone's clapping.
"Oh my god Harry look! Fireworks!" Louis says. I put my hand around his waist. He tucks his hand in my back pocket so it's touch my bum. This is a scene I won't forget. There's a tap on my shoulder.
"You like?" Zayn asks. I laugh and hug him. Louis does the same!
"Yes! They are amazing! Did you set this up" I ask. He nods while watching. Soon it's the finale and everyone is cheering and clapping. There's even some whistling! Zayn Louis and I watch from the back. It's still loud and colorful. Zayn puts his arm around me. Louis still he's his hand tucked in my pocket. I love Louis' motions on me! They are so cute! He kisses me at the finale! I kiss back and grab his cheeks. Zayn claps and cheers. When we finally pull away, everyone is watching. I blush a bit! Louis grabs my hand and does the little scene in hunger games where peeta puts both hand up together. I laugh a the memorization! Everyone laughs and claps! I feel the shot come to my head. I feel a bit tipsy. Oh god. There's music playing. I look at my watch. 12:00. Holy shit! Time is going really fast! Stephanie needs to get to bed! Louis grabs my hand and gives me a beer.
"We probably need to go here soon. Stephanie needs her sleep!" Louis says. I open the beer and take a sip.
"I know!" We stand there thinking.
"Lets wait till 1 and then we can go. That okay?" Louis asks. I nod. Well here is where the party starts! Me drinking beer and not leaving till 1. Oh no! Haha!
The REAL party will be next chapter. I just wanted you to see how proud everyone was! Haha! Well I hope you like! I will be updating soon! Sorry this took so long!

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