Chapter 2

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'Is she going to be okay?'

'I thought she wouldn't be up for another week or so'

'You know Werewolves, they're stubborn ass creatures'

'She tore out both of her IV's'

'Got to give her some credit, a broken arm, a gash in her leg and she made it all the way outside'

'Yeah before she passed out'

'She was probably overwhelmed, and not to mention exhausted'

'Are those really necessary?'

'It's just a precaution'

They must not know that I'm awake, and frankly I'd rather keep it that way. The first chance I get, limping or not, I am out of here. I don't care how hard it's going to be without any idea of where I'm going, all I know is, anywhere is better than being trapped in a house with these filthy murderous bloodsuckers. Now I'm really glad I didn't try and fix myself something in that kitchen, I don't think my stomach would have been able to handle the vast amount of blood bags they no doubt have sitting around. I didn't mean to pass out, my body just shut down, but before I fell unconscious I counted five Vampires in total, two of them looked older than the other three. 

They were most likely a family rather than a clan, but then again that's basically the same thing to a vampire like a Werewolves pack is like our second family. As much as I hate them I have just the same amount of fear for them as well, and since I am vastly outnumbered getting out of here is not going to be an easy task. I should have made a break for it while I had the chance. I'd take a homicidal maniac over Vampires any day.

It wasn't long till each of the undead had vacated the room and as quietly as I could I sat up, sliding my legs over the bed once more, I went to pull out the IV's for the second time today when I found my right hand wouldn't budge. I looked up at the bed frame to see a set of metal cuffs chaining me to the bed – so that's what they were talking about. 

I'm kind of insulted they thought this would keep me here. But then again they are on high alert, so the sound of the bed breaking would most likely alert them. Therefore, in a way I'm kind of totally screwed. If I do break it they'll be in the room in less than five seconds, but if I don't, eventually I'm going to have to 'wake up' and come face to face with my literal worst nightmare. I'm severely outnumbered, I'm injured and I'm afraid if I try shifting it'll only do more harm than good, in fact it's probably why I passed out in the first place. 

Why I am here? Why would they take care of me knowing full well that I'm a Werewolf? We're mortal enemies, you know, the sun and moon, yin and yang, two sides of the same coin, complete opposites. Maybe they're not all there, you know, immortality has got to mess with your mind. Although that might make them even more dangerous and I don't need another reason to be completely terrified. I'd rather not go into shock and in my condition that is a definite possibility.

I can't just sit here and wait for them to come and check on me, every moment I waste raises the probability of one of those things just waltzing in here. I'm not looking to be their pet or play thing, or whatever the hell their intentions are, and if they wanted to drain me of my blood they could have done that already. Or maybe they're waiting until I'm better, I bet a starved and unhealthy victim can't have very tasty blood and they're Vampires, they can wait for that sort of thing. 

Either way, if they think I'm going to go down without a fight they're dead wrong. I have had just about enough of their kind, and death by Vampire isn't how I planned to go after all these years. So, with that in mind I listened to get a good sense of where they were in the house. One was in the living room watching TV, three of them were upstairs and another was stood a few feet outside of my room pacing. Great, so rushing the bedroom door and making a 'dash' for the exit was out of the question. But then I looked to my right at the ground floor window and noticed there was a clear path to the woods; it was my best shot.

That is if my leg would let me get that far, they said there was a gash and pressing down on the bandages carefully I traced the sizeable cut, the thought of how it got there sending a cold shiver up my spine. I couldn't run in this condition, I wouldn't be able to out run a human let alone a Vampire. I would have to wait, a realisation that didn't settle very well with me at first, but after thinking it over for a solid ten minutes I put the IV's back into place and tried to get some rest. 

Werewolves have accelerated healing, but in my state I was in no position to try and hurry the process. I needed all the energy I had and for now I would also have to deal with the lingering smell of death wafting throughout the house. I wasn't in any immediate danger so it wasn't difficult for me to fall asleep and I couldn't remember the last time I had a good night's rest. If I was going to get out of here I couldn't afford to be picky when and where I got it.

Over the course of a few hours, some of the walking dead did come into my room. They checked the IV's and replaced them when necessary knowing I burn through morphine like fire to gasoline, and changed the bandages on my leg. Although at some point I almost foiled my own plan. When I really drifted off, that's when the nightmares began; I thought being in a new environment they would go away but obviously being so close to Vampires they only escalated. The same familiar faces appeared with the same terrified expressions on their faces, the air thick with tension and a silence that would soon be replaced with deafening screams. Anger swelled in the pit of my stomach but fear racked my thoughts, I didn't know it initially but I had started sweating and violently shaking. 

Something rushed into the room followed by a few others and moved to hold me on the bed, trying to still my body. I thrashed against them fighting my own demons in my head, but I couldn't open my eyes, the nightmare would never end. I felt something cold on my forehead and a soothing voice speaking to me but I couldn't hear anything they were saying. My mind was too busy dragging me through the worst moment in my life just like it had for as long as I could remember, it would never let me forget that day no matter how hard I tried to move on. I already had to live with one curse, and this was to be my second. It constantly pointed out everything I did wrong, everything I could have done, and the people that I lost. It never gets easier.

Thankfully once it showed me all the things I needed to see my body went limp and my breathing returned back to normal. I knew I still couldn't open my eyes, but a part of me just wanted to cry. After a while, they left the room once more, the pacing continued in the hallway and the rest went back to whatever they were doing. I sat up again feeling hot and sticky and the cold cloth fell onto the bed beside me. I picked it up and analysed the white rag for a moment. 

If they really didn't care then why would they... care? You don't try and comfort someone you mean harm to, you don't let them wear your clothes, and you don't nurse them back to health. So I guess they really don't want to hurt me. But still, they're Vampires and I certainly don't owe them a thank you especially after everything their kind has put me through. One good deed doesn't make up for hundreds of bad ones, and I've never really been one to forgive easily. I'm great at holding a grudge however, and I swore I would hold this one until I made the people who hurt me and the people I love regret it.

One more day and then I'm gone.

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