Chapter 46

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Camila's POV

After weeks on end after having been forced to be around Zendaya twenty four seven under her stupid mind control, you can't even begin to imagine what it feels like to be able to tell Lauren how I really feel. To express what I've kept locked away inside for so long and being able to bring it to the surface is such a huge relief; I honestly don't know what to do with this overwhelming feeling that's coursing through my body.

My heart is beating loudly in my chest and my palms are actually sweating, alongside the look Lauren is giving me right now I'm surprised I haven't spontaneously combusted.

It's not like I didn't already know I liked Lauren long before she admitted her feelings for me, but to actually say them out loud is like cementing them in history. They're not just an ideal or an emotion, they're facts, indisputable, undoubtable facts that she and I can share. I haven't felt this way about anyone in a long time; in fact after Ariana's death I didn't think I'd be able to fall for anyone ever again. She will always be my first love, my mate and my best friend and I know she would approve of Lauren if she could meet her; but I'm relieved to know that I could love someone just as much as I loved her.

And honestly, my heart couldn't have picked anyone better than the girl right in front of me. Sure, she has a bad past but no one's perfect and the most important thing is that she's changed and recognizes that what she did was wrong. You can't ask for any more personal growth than that.

'A-Are you sure?' she stammered and rubbed the back of her neck.

'What, that I love you? Of course I'm sure' I grinned.

'Even after everything I put you through?'

Is she seriously blaming herself for everything that's happened to us? Sure Zendaya had some grudge against Lauren and used me to get to her but that doesn't mean Lauren is responsible, Zendaya's the one who went all psycho killer on everybody. As for the Moriarty's, no one is to blame when their family members fall off of the moral bandwagon and start being jackasses to people. And seriously besides those two things I can't think of any other time that Lauren might be talking about and trying to take responsibility for, so where is this coming from?

'Lauren you didn't put me through anything' I assured her but she shook her head.

'Zendaya, she went after you because of me'

'And that's somehow your fault?'


'Lauren did you tell Zendaya to kidnap me and use me as her puppet?' I asked.

'That's not-'

'It's a simple yes or no question Lauren' I sang.

'No' she grumbled.

'Then it's not your fault' Lauren sighed and ran her hands through her hair but after a moment she smiled and I took that as her agreeing with me.

'Thanks Camz'

'You're welcome' I beamed and paused for a moment while Lauren moved freely around the room. Do I tell her? I mean about why I was going to see her the day Zendaya kidnapped me, or is it too soon to tell her? We did just get back from the fight and maybe it's best saved for another day, it can wait for now... or can it? This whole thing happened because we both waited too long, me especially; she deserves to know and more importantly I want her to know.

I just hope she doesn't freak out, I never thought about what would happen if she shot down the idea. Maybe Lauren doesn't want to bite me, who knows what Werewolf blood tastes like to a Vampire. Just because she has a bloodlust doesn't necessarily mean my bloods gonna be particularly appetising to her. Or what if she loves me but she doesn't want us to be together like that again, especially after the kissing incident.

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