Chapter 88

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Keana's POV 

Okay, oh fuck, i suppose i better say something. But where to start? Maybe i should just come clean, like hey Lauren, you remember Camila right? Well funny story, she doesn't remember you because i let a bunch of Werewolves mind fuck her into forgetting you so she could become an Alpha. Oh and before all of that even happened i kicked her ass a bunch of times and then we slept together, at least twice... give or take. What could possibly go wrong!? Look i am not the bad guy here okay, i did what had to be done, and that includes Camila - badum-ch. If you had the chance you would have done it too so you and your judgments can eat my entire ass. Anyway, focusing on the problem at hand, i suppose it would only be fair for me to explain everything since i was there when it all went down and had my hand in the cookie jar so to speak, and if Lauren wants to punch me afterwards she gets one free hit and then i'm taking that bitch out. 

I'm sorry but i don't even know this girl and i already don't like her. Maybe it's because Camila almost choked me out that one time because of said girl and i could have forreal died for the dumbest reason in the world, but it's more than that okay! Camila was genuinely happy the entire time Lauren was out of her mind, it felt like five minutes but let me tell you that smile and optimism was fucking contagious. Now she's back to the same old, frowny, sad sack of shit who stepped into my bar, and while she may not remember Lauren, her obsessions remain the same. She's Lauren centric. She wants to get to know her, find out what drew her in the first time and see if any memories come wandering back. Doubtful, but i'm trying this new thing where i'm not completely pessimistic about everything. It's going tits up so far. 

'I don't understand why we're having this conversation alone, why couldn't you just tell me whatever you're stalling to tell me when we were all together?' Lauren asked and Camila and I glanced at one another. 

'E-Erm, well Camila- OW!' I hissed and scowled at the aforementioned girl. She stomped on my foot and turned her head away as if she hadn't done anything like one of those dogs on Instagram. 'I mean, we decided that this is something you should hear alone, just between the two of you' i explained. 

'Then why are you here?' she asked.

'Well i'm partly to blame for what happened to Camila so i figured i should be the one to tell you and then you two can fight it out or whatever' i continued and she furrowed her brow. 

'Look, if this is about you two sleeping together i've already been made aware of your situation and i honestly couldn't care less' she scoffed. Camila scowled, crossing her arms and looking at me with disdain. Hey, we're both to blame for that! But i think she was trying to tell me to hurry up in her own way. 

'No, it's not about that. Although i'm sure the two of you can discuss that in your own time. Oh and by the way, it meant nothing, Camila and I are just friends, two friends just letting off steam, with no feelings or anything attached... just two gal pals-'

'Keana you're babbling' i heard Sofi cough in the distance. First i have one Cabello on my case and now the other one wants a piece, this fucking family i tell you. 

'Anyway, here's the thing. Camila doesn't remember you' I said instantly regretting my choice of words when Lauren's green eyed stare turned red. 

'Why!? Because you fucked away any memory of me with your special Alpha moves? Look if all you're here to do is rub your little fling in my face then i'd rather you just left!' she yelled and Camila pinched the bridge of her nose. What has she gone mute or something, she could at least throw me a bone here!

'No, no, no, that's not even close to what i meant. Look, let me start from the beginning. Part of Camila's trial in becoming an Alpha she had to undergo a test, in that test she was forced to kill her feelings for you and subsequently the memory of you as well. It's hard to explain but in rare cases the subject undergoes complete amnesia. She literally doesn't remember you, she knows the girls, your family, she knows about Dedrick and the blood moon but in her head you were never a part of the picture. Lauren, she doesn't remember falling in love with you, to her, the two of you never met' 

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