Chapter 92

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No One's POV 

'So how'd it go with Lauren?' Phaidra asked, looking over at the fidgety Werewolf sat in the corner who was bouncing her leg and nervously playing with her hands.  

'It went' she spoke, her graze transfixed on a spot in front of her. 

'That's a little vague, you wanna talk about it?' Phaidra pressed but Camila shook her head no. 'Okay then what do you want to do?' 

'What do i want to do?' Camila repeated aloud and Phaidra laughed. 

'Are you seriously trying to tell me you don't already know? It's about that time Camila, you might not know what you want but your body does. Don't try to fight it, just do what feels right' the Vampire advised the younger girl. 

'What feels right? I'm not sure i even remember what that is anymore' she sighed. 

'Here, let me point you in the right direction' Phaidra grinned and spun the brown eyed girl around. When she finally stopped her eyes refocused and landed on a dark haired figure standing in front of her, it didn't take her long to recognise who she was looking at, it's not everyday you see green galaxies in someone's eyes. 

'Lauren?' Camila muttered. 

'Do you really not remember? None of it? This is sort of an important time for you so i guess we'd better get started, you don't need another problem weighing you down' the ebony haired girl grinned. 

'Get started?' 

'Just relax Camz, i'll take care of it, take care of you' Lauren husked as she stepped closer to the Werewolf and wrapped her hands around her small waist. 

'A-Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean, isn't it too soon?' Camila argued reluctantly. 

'We don't have much time Camz, it's now or never, and i don't think i can wait another second' she said as her lips found the smooth expanse of Camila's neck and gently pressed against her soft skin. It was only the slightest of touches but the sensation was so abnormally overwhelming that it made the Werewolf feel lightheaded and dizzy at the same time. Camila's hands quickly found Lauren's shoulders and gripped them tightly as her back was suddenly pressed against a solid wall she's sure wasn't there a minute ago. Regardless it wasn't at the top of her list of concerns right now as Lauren's kisses continued deep into the crook of her neck where soft kisses turned into heated one's, and the strong hands on her waist travelled to her thighs and picked her up off the ground. 

Camila instinctively wrapped her legs around the strong figure, partially out of not wanting to fall but also to keep the green eyed girl exactly where she was. Licking and sucking at her neck and sending the Werewolf's temperature through the roof, she's never been this hot and aroused in her life and when Lauren starts grinding against her pelvis in slow rhythmic movements she swears she can see stars. 

'Lauren, we have to s-stop' Camila stutters, and despite her words she makes no attempt to actually physically stop Lauren, she doubts she could if she even tried, all her strength is fixated on holding onto Lauren for dear life while she presses herself against her. 

'Are you sure Camzi?' Lauren asked, stopping her ministrations for only a moment before changing tactics and unbuttoning the brunettes blouse then proceeding to plant kiss after kiss against her bare chest. Camila felt like Lauren was determined to devour every inch of her as her protestations only seemed to spur the Vampire on, she didn't want her to stop but they hadn't long reconciled their friendship let alone their relationship so jumping straight back into their sex life seemed like a risky escapade.  

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