Chapter 43

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Camila's POV

If being forced to act against my own will wasn't bad enough, Zendaya's really raising the bar on this whole evil villain thing she's got going on. She stuffed me in the trunk of her car. Can you believe it!? It's not like I could run away and tell someone where we're going but still she insisted on it, and not only that I have a sack over my head. No really, a sack like you would use to hold potatoes; this girl is seriously damaged in the head.

I'd be happy to knock some sense into her if only I could snap out of this stupid mind control; I just hope Lauren can still find me.

We've been driving for what feels like hours and the further away we go the less confident I start to feel. All of this was so that Zendaya could get back at Lauren who's supposedly the top of the food chain at this school (you've got to wonder what she did to get that sort of reputation). So I fail to understand how taking me away from Lauren is going to somehow achieve her goal, don't I need to be close to her in order to hurt her? This is so messed up.

Thankfully I feel the car come to an abrupt halt and can hear muffled footsteps approaching the hood. It's lifted up and light pours through the cloth and into my eyes, Zendaya tugs me up and out of the car before dragging me to what appears to be an abandoned building.

'Here we are Camila, this is where it all ends'

'Yeah for you' I scoffed and was shoved roughly into a nearby wall. I managed to stay up but then Zendayas hands were around my neck and she lifted me off the ground.

'Do you know why I didn't let you sit upfront Camila? Because my powers are wearing off. I'm saving my strength for the fight and if all of this goes wrong, one word from me and you'll shift into your wolf form and tear Lauren apart' she spat venomously and took the bag off my head.

'I w-won't hurt Lauren!'

'After I'm through with you, you probably won't have to'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'You'll see' she grinned and pulled out a knife from her boot. How very Buffy of you. Oh god this is gonna hur- AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Ally's POV

The scent is definitely stronger in that direction but it doesn't make any sense, this leads away from the school grounds. Does she expect us to follow her? Maybe to a remote location, we all know this school too well; if she takes Camila off site then she has home ground advantage. She's setting an ambush. I need to find Lauren and the others, where did those two nit wits run off to?

One minute I'm looking inside a janitor's closet and the next I'm all alone in one of the school hallways, I couldn't have turned my head away for two seconds and poof. You can't take your eye off those two for even a moment. They're probably somewhere getting themselves killed. Maybe Zendaya has them strung up on one of the hooks in the girls' bathroom; don't get me wrong I love them to bits and they're very capable young Vampires but... sometimes I wonder just what's going on in those heads of theirs.

Speak of the devil, as I make my way past the basement I'm almost trampled by the very same 'capable' friends of mine. Normani looks furious and Dinah is laughing her head off about something, honestly the way these two are acting it's like no one is in any mortal danger at all.

'I take it by all the fun you're having you found Camila?' I asked the pair and watch their joyful faces turn to more fitting sombre ones.

'No, we looked in the basement but we couldn't find her' Normani spoke.

'We just got spooked by something' Dinah added and looked down at the ground.

'In the basement? Yeah that's Margaret' I smile and continue walking down the hallway.

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