Chapter 40

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Camila's POV

What the hell is going on, why can't I move? My arms and legs feel like jelly and my stomach is doing somersaults so I am either intoxicated, high or a mixture of both and that doesn't help anything with my current situation. I blacked out after hearing my name and seeing a familiar face but I couldn't quite put a name to them just yet. My mind is blank besides thoughts of infatuation and a desperate need to fulfil a certain persons every desire, I would die for them whoever they are. I need my body to start responding to me again soon or who knows what could happen.

I was so close to Lauren too; I should have run straight up to her and maybe then I could have avoided this whole situation. I have a real knack for getting myself into trouble; I don't know why I'm even surprised I should be used to this sort of thing by now.

Just then I heard that same distinct voice fill the room accompanied by a slow set of footsteps; they touched my arm gently and instructed me to sit up. As the words slipped through their lips my body jolted back into life and I rose from my position on the table until I came face to face with my captor.

'Zendaya what the hell are you doing!' I exclaimed finally seeing her face and becoming enraged at the sight. Why is she holding me here? What does she want from me?

'Shhh now my sweet' she instructed and tenderly stroked my cheek. I wanted to jerk my head away or better yet use it to smash her face in but the second her hand made contact with my skin I practically turned to putty. I cursed my body for reacting this way, but she's a succubus, if I didn't crumble apart at her touch then she wouldn't be doing her job.

'W-What, w-what a—re...' dammit, I couldn't speak. It was like trying to force a yawn or a cough; the harder I tried the more I ended up straining my throat. It was like the mere idea of trying to formulate words caused my throat to constrict and then there was no air in my lungs to breathe.

'Don't try to speak, it's pointless really' she chuckled darkly. 'Not to worry Camila I'm not going to hurt you, where's the fun in that?'

'D-don't t-t-touch me!' I forced out despite the pain pulsating out of my rib cage and rippling throughout my entire body. It was like a virus had entered my bloodstream and my body decided that it's best defence was just to do as it says, I was fighting a civil war and she was winning.

'God you're a stubborn one aren't you? I should have expected as much from a Werewolf, far too much pride for such a sad little puppy I think. Clearly you're going to need a little more persuasion' she spoke snidely and I felt each of the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as she stepped closer to me. I was sat, well more like cemented to the teachers desk and could only watch helplessly as she pried my legs apart and stood between them all while wearing a proud grin on her face.

'G-get... S-Stop!' I argued and tried to move away from her, only my struggle was in vain no matter what I did. With my hands firmly in her grasp, her seductive powers easily worked their way under my skin and in a matter of seconds I suddenly wanted her as close as possible. Any thoughts of escape or all the questions about why this was happening were out the window along with my resolve.

Her lips were at the base of my neck leaving chaos and manic in their wake, every brush or tender touch felt like a hurricane and my body was the wreckage. I needed her to keep going, every kiss was like being put back together while simultaneously being torn apart. My biggest fear became the very thought that if she did stop, I would just waste away. There was nothing else more important, nothing else but she and I in this room, nothing existed that needing caring about or tending too. Nothing was real but this.

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