Chapter 71

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No One's POV 

'It's time' 

Everyone stands to attention at Ally's words, eyes turning to look at Camila curiously, no one wanted to say it but there was a lot of doubt in their hearts. Wouldn't it be easier to just start the mourning period now instead of waiting to be dissapointed when Camila doesn't recover, Lauren doesn't know which is more devastating but Ally is looking at her with so much conviction she shakes the negative thoughts from her mind and cradles Camila in her arms. She's still not entirely sure of her role in her girlfriends recovery and kinda hopes it doesn't hurt, but even if Ally told her she would be in constant pain for all of eternity she'd still go along with it. Seeing Camila alive and well and reuniting with her sister would make the pain more bearable than losing her altogether. 

She truly has the purest of intentions with the young Werewolf, words have always helped her express the way she feels every time except when it comes to Camila. She just can't seem to string her extensive vocabulary into what she truly feels deep down in her heart, no combination of words fully expressing her inner most thoughts, so she has to find other ways to tell her; be it in the warmth of her smile, or the admiration in her eyes, she gives all of herself to that incredible brunette. And what more could she want? Well there's an obvious answer, and that's Camila there to tell Lauren everything's going to be okay and that she'll never leave Lauren alone. 

The Vampire has never told anyone this and if you confront her she'll deny it but the thought of dating anyone other than an immortal being scared Lauren, in all her years nothing has scared her more than the thought of her heart latching onto a mortal soul and forcing her to watch them slowly succumb to natures will. Her brother did it for most of his life, and even when the two's relationship ended they still remained close friends and he never lost the love he had for her, now he tortures himself by visiting Lily's grave. He couldn't convince the girl he loved to stay with him, and instead of doing the smart thing and moving on before he fell too deep he respected her decision and stayed with her knowing that she would die one day. 

Lauren could never do that, it made her heart ache just thinking about it, everything around her could crumble to dust so long as she had the love of her life in her arms. Without love Lauren felt as if she truly was nothing, she craved it with every fiber of her being, and now she's in one of the most terrifying positions in her life. Not only could she lose Camila today, here and now, but Camila is a Werewolf, a supernatural being that can switch between mortality and immortality at will. If she ever grew bored of living, Camila could just stop shifting into her Werewolf form and start the aging process again, she could leave Lauren behind if she so chooses. It's that thought that has chills flooding every inch of the Vampires pale skin, she once thought the two of them were forever but what does forever really mean? 

Forever until the love is no longer there?

Forever until they grow to resent one another? 

Forever until their luck runs out? 

Lauren has never hated the word 'deadline' more than in this moment right now. Why does everything have an inescapable ending to it, she's immortal, she will live forever and yet time comes for her ass again and again reminding her that the rest of the world doesn't share her durability. Entire cities will fall in to ruin in her time line, old friends and faces will fade away, mortals she's met on her travels will be nothing but forgotten memories. She'll witness the world fall into chaos several times over because man kind will never learn from it's history, but nevertheless they will rise from the ashes and start anew. And Lauren, Lauren will still be the same old girl who refuses to let beanies fall out of fashion no matter who tells her otherwise. 

She needs one thing to remain constant and she wants that one thing to be Camila. Hell she doesn't even know where the two of them stand right now, and she's terrified to ask Camila what she plans to do once she's reunited with her sister. For all she knows Sofi will want to grow old with Camila the way they were supposed to, what kind of asshole would Lauren be if she begged Camila to stay with her instead? Would Camila even pick her over her own sister? Especially after how cold Lauren was to her after she practically blamed the younger girl for getting Ally hurt. She knew she was overthinking but her mind just continued to drag her deeper, the doubt was already buried in her chest like a seed that had been growing for quite some time and was finally starting to bloom. 

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