Chapter 38

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Camila's POV

'Holy shit' I gaped in complete shock as the two ton figure in front of me knelt down so it was near enough at ground level and it's golden eyes locked with my own. A gargoyle, who would of thought right? Out of every possible supernatural creature this used to be inanimate object, is actually a living breathing species with a personality and everything. This whole thing is so crazy but I suppose it's better than spiraling out of control and maybe even passing out down some random hallway or puking my guts out in one of these cubicles.

A little crazy never hurt anyone – well I'm sure Hailee could hurt whoever she wanted looking like that. I'm sorta starting to feel really glad she didn't take my comments to heart, man would I hate to be on the wrong side of this pile driver. I like pancakes don't get me wrong but I don't particularly want to be one.

'So, what's the final verdict? Scary or no?' a deep scratchy voice bellowed from the stoney creature. I wanted to say something along the lines of have you looked in a mirror lately but I really didn't want to push it so instead I just offered a dumb nod in place of a reply which was met with a loud laugh. It quietened slowly as she changed back into her previous form and tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

'What's the matter, cat got your tongue?' she winked and I was halfway through another nod when I shook my head to snap out of it.

'Whatever Stonehenge reject, do those wings even work or are they just for decoration?' I retorted and she seemed impressed by my quick comeback.

'Yes they work and I think you just earned yourself a bird's eye view around campus. What do you say Mila, or is the big bad wolf afraid of heights?' she taunted.

'I'm not afraid of anything' I lied and just as the words slipped out of my mouth her bright golden eyes appeared once more. I thought nothing of it at first as my own yellow eyes would pop out on their own from time to time until I looked closer and saw my entire life flash though her eyes. It was like seeing through a looking glass, everything was a little distorted and a few faces were blurred but I recognized everything that was happening. 'What did you just do, what was that?' I asked curiously as she blinked away the gold from her deep brown eyes.

'You know how you mentioned that Gargoyles just sit around all day' I shrugged. 'Well, besides the name Gargoyle, we're also known as Watchers. We see everything from way up on those buildings, it's our special ability. You can shift, and we can see your entire life' she explained and my brow furrowed in annoyance. Shouldn't someone have to ask before they dive into your soul and bear witness to all the fucked up shit that's happened to you in your life, my past isn't exactly something you sit down to watch with your girlfriend on a Friday night. It's dark and twisted and not something I share or talk about lightly.

'I don't remember giving you permission to stick your nose where it doesn't belong' I snarled and she raised her hands in defense.

'Woah there wolfie, you're the one who told a lie. You are afraid of something and that thing is Vampires' she stated.

'So because I told a lie, you thought hey let's sneak into her mind and prove she's lying'

'It's a reflex, if someone's bullshitting me my eyes start glowing. I'm like a human lie detector, except I'm only half human' she chuckled and I relaxed a little. She couldn't control it, so it wasn't really her fault. I can't blame her for that.

'Sorry' I smiled glumly, and she did the same.

'It's cool, most people don't notice when I'm in their head. If I thought you'd catch on I probably would have warned you beforehand' she assured me.

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