Chapter 59

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Lauren's POV 

So, how do you beat a seductress at her own game? You become the better seductress obviously. I need the fox to reveal her true form, once i see her for what she truly is my mind will realize it's not Camila and i'll be able to make my escape. Just for posterity i want you guys to know i'm not enjoying anything about this, she may look like Camila but Camila is more than just a body, she has a heart and a soul that's bigger, brighter and kinder than i have ever known. She can mimic her voice, her gorgeous looks and the crinkles by her eyes but she will never be able to replicate the thing that makes Camila special, the thing that made me feel all in love with her so easily. 

You're going to regret trying use her against me, in fact it just might be the thing that finally kills you. Foxes think nothing can touch them, but Karma is a nasty bitch that just keeps on coming until you get what's coming to you. I'd say a centuries old Fox has more than a lifetime of a bad juju waiting to kick her right in her ass and i would be honored to get the ball rolling. 

'Why so quiet love?' Camila asked as she scratched her hands under my top. Okay, it's now or never. 

'Just thinking about all the ways i'm going to make you mine of course' i husked back and saw a glint of shock in her eye at my words. It wasn't surprising really since the whole time i've been standing here i've barely spoken a word, and i've been trying to stop my body from giving into her advances. But now my body was gravitating towards her like i suspected it would and she bit her lip. 

'Is that so?' She asked seeming a little unsure. 'I know if people are playing games with me Jauregui, now drop the charade and let me feed'

'I'm not playing any game Camila, why don't you let me feed? I know how much you like it' i grinned and the moved the hair on her shoulder away from her neck then traced the length of it with my finger. 

'Lauren i've been alive for a very long time, you think no one's tried this on me before?' she scoffed and moved my hand away from her

'Yeah but you spent most of your time trapped in a Warehouse Camz, the only other person who tried this with you was Ariana' i continued, i didn't know how much the Precursor knew about Camila but i didn't want to take any chances. 

'Mmmm, she was a good lover, one of the best' Camila taunted thinking i would snap but i kept my cool and simply smiled at her. 

'Emphasis on the was, besides, you don't know half of what i'm capable of' i said darkly and moved closer until we were inches apart. I wanted to strangle her but i knew my arms wouldn't move in the way i wanted them to, i couldn't hurt her, yet, so i leaned in close until my lips were at the shell of her ear 'But i can smell that you're just itching to find out' 

I could hear the Foxes labored breaths pick up speed and my excitement grew when i realized my method was working, slowly, but she was definitely riled up. 

'I'm itching for a lot of things Miss Jauregui, and one of them is for you to prove this isn't a game' she grinned and moved away from me. 'We could have a lot of fun you and i, if a Vampire is good for anything it's their stamina in bed' 

'So how do i prove it to you Miss Cabello?' i asked and she placed her hands on her hips. 

'For the next ten minutes you have to do everything i say' she replied. 

'And what am i doing first?' 

'Strip, slowly' she instructed and i raised my brow. She crossed her arms as if to challenge me and since i still couldn't do anything i brought my hands to the sides of my top and lifted it sensually over my head. Once i was free of it i discarded the piece of clothing on the ground beside my jacket then ran my hands through my hair to expose my torso.

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