Chapter 9

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I felt like I was suffocating when Chris helped me back through the front door, he rushed off to collect his parents and Lauren moved attentively to my side but I couldn't look at her. We were just left of the living room when Taylor appeared on the steps and sat down on them as her parents made their way down courteously followed by Chris. I heard Lauren ask me if I wanted to sit but I just shook my head and kept my eyes locked on the youngest Jauregui. She was sat with her arms crossed, leant back on the steps behind her and looking across the hall. It was obvious she didn't want to be there but I was grateful that she would sit and listen to what I had to say no matter how much I really didn't want to say it. It would be the first time I talked about the thing that invaded my dreams like a plague and corrupted almost every good memory I have of the people who were involved. This is the first time since the 'accident' that I acknowledged they were dead and hadn't somehow survived like I did. I wasn't just telling the Jauregui's what happened, I was also telling myself, thankfully I was over my denial period a while ago but that didn't make it any easier.

'Could you stop wasting my time and tell us already' Taylor exclaimed, the vicious glow of her eyes putting me on edge even more.

'Taylor!' her mother scolded.

'No mum, she hates us and I don't want to hear what she has to say!'

'T-Taylor I already told you I don't-'

'No right I forgot, it's not us you hate it's what we are. Well that makes me feel so much better'

'Taylor, please' I asked wearily.

'Nothing you have to say will-' I was growing tired very quickly, we could go back and forth forever, but I just wanted to get through this and put it behind me.

'Would you shut up and listen to me for five minutes!' I exclaimed, my grip on Lauren harshly intensified and I'm sure I felt her flinch.

'Then spit it out!'


'Oh boohoo I was attacked by werewolves a few weeks after I was turned-'

'Really? Well I don't suppose they stormed into your school one Wednesday afternoon and killed the entire student body!?' I practically screamed.

'No way' Taylor gaped in sudden awe.

'You were sitting happily in your physics class like normal, laughing away with your best friends over a stupid picture they took of their brother trying to ride his bike for the first time, when you heard it. A deafening scream like no other tear through the hallways like a hurricane, it crawled under your skin and tore away at your nerves. You're sat frozen in fear as you hear it again but louder this time, and again and again and again before your teacher has you up on your feet. In the back of your mind you're praying it's just some sick joke a few Seniors are playing on the lower class men; you look at your friends faces and see the same hope in their eyes. They take your hand and huddle together; staring at the classroom door like it's on the fire. The screams are getting worse and unmistakably closer, you're trapped with nowhere to go and tears are streaming down your face'

'One of your classmates runs up to the window to look out at the field were your school soccer teams was practicing, your girlfriend was on that team. A horrified expression appears on their face and you run up to them to see what's wrong only to witness the love of your life getting torn to shreds by a filthy, murderous, pale white Vampire. Some of the other members shift when they realize what's happening but it's too late, the Vampires are already on top of them and devouring whoever they can get their hands on. You're banging at the glass screaming out for them to stop, while your friends try to hold you back before you break the glass and gain their attention. The teacher starts barricading the door and calling the authorities when the power goes out, he tells you to get on the ground under the tables, and once again you're hanging onto your friends for dear life because you know in your gut what's going to happen. You know what you just saw was real and you have no idea if you're going to make it out alive, all you can think about is your Mum and your baby sister and whether you'll ever see them again, and that fact that she's going to be really pissed that you didn't pick some milk up on the way home from school'

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