Chapter 13

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'Can I ask you two a fairly obvious question?'

'Of course Camila' Mike replied as he was frying the bacon on the pan beside his wife.

'You're a Vampire, right?' I asked rhetorically as the three of us were joined by the rest of the Jauregui family.

'Wow Mila, very perceptive' Taylor joked.

'Yeah Cabello, I thought you'd already figured that out' Chris added.

'You're all hilarious' I sighed loudly before hopping onto the island.

'Please continue Camila' Clara insisted.

'You're Vampires-'

'Yeah we got that part' Lauren teased. I glared at her momentarily before refocusing my attention on the two adults in the room.

'You drink blood in order to sustain yourself-'

'You are so smart' Taylor continued.

'I'm going to ignore any further smart ass comments. My point is why do you have food in your house?'

'Because that's what you eat in order to sustain yourself' Clara clarified.

'So, you went out and got food just for me?'

'Of course'

'Oh, well thank you' I grinned and looked around contently at all the smiling faces. I was lucky, like really lucky and its small moments like these that help me realize just how much. They didn't even know me; I could have been a murderous, evil, something or other and killed them without a second glance – or just really rude and ungrateful. But despite all of those things they still went to extra measures to make sure I had everything I needed. They clothed me, tended to my wounds, got me the medicine I required, and they were patient with me when I was confused or scared or just being plain difficult. They've looked after me and treated me as if I was one of them, and I can't understand what I did to deserve such kindness. I keep trying to think what I did that was so great, but all I can recall is me stumbling all over the place, making strange requests, disappearing every now and then, telling them my life story in grave disturbing detail and shouting about something or other. I sound more like a noisy annoying niece or granddaughter that you somehow tolerate because she's small and helpless.

But in all seriousness, treasure these days, the good ones where even for a short time you can put aside all the terrible things that have happened to you and focus on being happy. You have to approach people with a pinch of salt because they can either be the cause of your pain, and the distraction you've been craving. Just be careful with the people you choose to surround yourself with. Find someone who can deal with your mood swings but doesn't let you walk all over them, someone who cares about you but doesn't neglect themselves, and more importantly someone who inspires you to be better and has found the same thing in you.

'So Camila, how about I take you shopping and you can start you own wardrobe of clothes rather than having to wear Lauren's all the time' Clara spoke up.

'I couldn't ask you to do that' I replied immediately.

'Oh my god, that sounds like a great idea, girls' day out!' Taylor beamed.

'You're not asking, we're offering' Mike added.

'But you've already done so much for me, I simply couldn't-'

'Ah, no ifs, so's, or buts, I won't take no for an answer' Clara continued determinedly.

'Might as well just accept it Camila, once our mum decides to do something there's no stopping her' Chris explained.

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