Chapter 14

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'So what are we doing today?' Lauren asked as I was pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

'I wasn't aware we were doing anything' I teased and placed the carton back in the fridge.

'What did I ever do to deserve such cruelty?' she said feigning hurt and placing her hand on her chest.

'If you're searching for a heartbeat you're not going to find one' I continued and the pout on her face continued to grow.

'You know Vampires actually do have heartbeats' she challenged.

'Yeah you know you're right, I can hear it – oh know wait no I can't' I laughed softly and took a sip of my drink.

'No seriously, I can prove it to you'


'Come here' she instructed, so I placed my glass down on the counter and walked over to her. 'Now what?' I asked amusedly.

'Give me your hand' I extended one hand as she tugged on it bringing me closer, and placed it firmly on her chest.

'I'm not feeling anything Lauren'

'Just give it a minute' so I stood there, palm on Lauren's chest waiting to feel or hear something I knew probably wasn't coming, but Lauren seemed determined and if it meant I got to prove her wrong I couldn't really complain.

'And by minute you mean-'

'Here, you have to really concentrate okay' I nodded despite my disbelief as she took both my hands and pressed them down on her either side of her neck by her 'pulse' point. I stood there for a while trying to feel something, anything resembling a heartbeat but each time I looked up got more and more distracted by Lauren's face. She had her eyes closed like she was deep in thought, her brows slightly furrowed as her grip on my hands tightened; it gave me a chance to take in her beauty close up without getting lost in her eyes or deterred by her intimidating gaze. She really was unbelievably angelic, unfairly so, so much divinity blessed upon one perfect being and as a Vampire burned into history forever. Her lashes were thick and black, her cheek bones and jaw both equally as prominent and her red plump limps ever tempting as they were deadly.

'I can feel you staring you know' she said opening her eyes slowly.

'Well what else am I supposed to do waiting for something that's not- oh my god' to my complete and utter disbelief it happened, it was faint and I barely felt it but it was there, she had a heartbeat. 'How is that possible?' I exclaimed.

'It's because of you'


'It only happens whenever you're around; this is the effect you have on me Camz'

'Lauren I-'

'I was surprised too when it first happened, when we brought you here. I've wanted to tell you for a while now but I could never find the right time'


'I like you Camila, a lot. My heart beats for you and only you' she leant in slowly, her eyes piercing into mine, erupting that all too familiar feeling of excitement and nervousness all throughout my body. Her hands traced the length of my arms, down my sides and settled onto the curves of my waist as she drew me in closer. My breath hitched in my throat and all I could look at was her slightly parted lips and imagining what they would feel like against mine. All I had to do was close the gap and-

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