Chapter 26

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Lauren's POV

I think it's needless to say that even if I could sleep, I wouldn't have been able to last night. And since I don't sleep, I found myself restlessly trying to read instead which is even harder than trying to fall asleep when your mind is working overtime. It wasn't exactly a confession of love but I did just basically tell Camila I like her which is completely insane considering I thought she might grow to resent me; then to top it off she said she liked me too.

I'm not exactly sure what that means for us but if there's one thing I do know for sure it's that it was long overdue. There was something between us from the start, at first I wasn't quite sure; she was new and racked with mystery but now she's fun and exciting. I saw her recover from a dreadful past as well as the ghost of her formers self and back into the strong, independent young woman she is now. Well maybe not young, but I can't really talk there. We stumbled across her for a reason, we were meant to save her and any bonds that were created along the way were just happenstance and a lucky twist of fate.

But now her life is in danger again and this time it's our fault. That doesn't sit well with me, I wanted to keep her from this sort of thing, but unfortunately there are always going to be Vampires who have got it out for Werewolves over some stupid feud that no one even remembers the origin of. Probably another lame prophecy about how Werewolves were destined to level all of Vampire kind. Damn it, when will the universe learn that people take control of their own destiny, pick up a book it happens all the time. Some self-righteous problematic hero take their life into their own hands and then when it all goes to shit they look for someone else to blame, only to have a sudden miracle moment of realization that they must 'look inside themselves' and 'right their wrongs' or some other profound bullshit like that.

Either way, people create prophecies so someone really fucked our two species somewhere down the line. I wonder if they knew what they were doing, playing God and screwing with the way of the world.

Getting back on point, I can only hope that The Moriarty's don't try and hunt us down otherwise we're going to have a huge problem on our hands. There are some people you come across in your lifetime that you do not want to mess with, admittedly these four don't even break the surface to some of the Evil's out there but they are one you would typically try to avoid. They don't outnumber us but with their combined ages they might as well, and it wouldn't be the worst way to go I suppose.

A Vampire does offer an alluring quick and painless death, it is better than being slowly starved to death or drowned or set on fire or... well you get the point. But to be clear, drowning doesn't kill a Vampire, it just sucks ass and feels like chugging Jack Daniels except instead of your stomach it goes straight to your lungs. To live in constant agony until your captor eventually decides to free you, a fate worse than death. Although I doubt Camila would see it that way, at the hands of a Vampire any sort of action is an unwanted one so let's try and make sure that doesn't happen shall we?

It makes me sick to think about what we're capable of sometimes, what do you have to do to your humanity to come around to the idea of locking someone up and taking their life away from them like that. Camila may as well of had her youth ripped out from underneath her. 'Frozen in time' is a common analogy among Vampires, it's a saying that I never thought I would be able to apply to a Werewolf. Guess we're more alike than we thought.

'Eurgh, do you have to drink that in here. It's smells awful' Camila whined, pinching her nose with her pointer and index fingers. I was currently sat down at the island in the kitchen with a hot cup of blood in one hand and a newspaper in other. Just because I'm a Vampire doesn't mean I'm not interested in current events, strangely enough I'd like a little warning before we walk into World War 3 or a nuke gets dropped on our heads.

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