Chapter 29

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Camila's POV

Once I found the strength to pick myself up off of my bedroom floor I changed out of my slowly drying clothes and fixed my hair before walking back out into the crowded living room. Literally no one had moved what looked like even an inch, I mean you half expect at least one person to start pacing or tidying out of pure impatience or boredom. But nope they were sat in the exact same spots like statues; the only thing that did move was their gaze as it chased after you. Doesn't that sound comforting?

Anyway, I took a seat directly across from them and folded my hands together on top of my knees.

'So...' I started off slowly.

'Camila it's going to be okay, whatever it is I'm sure we can fix it' Clara tried to assure me but didn't quite have the desired effect. Instead of calming me it made me stand upright and start walking up and down the back of the sofa.

'You see I don't even know if there is something to fix necessarily I mean it could just be a huge lie, a plot to cause some distrust or spite or resentment – basically a lot of not good feelings and I don't really know how to ask or whether asking is even the right thing to do so I'm just going to say it and you can't hate me ok!' I rambled then fell into an affirmative exclamation.

'We could never hate you Camila' Mike spoke up.

'Right, good, okay yeah that's really good. I ask that you remember that in the next five minutes when I finally tell you what's wrong because you may feel slightly different about me then, or maybe you won't I don't know, I guess it's not fair for me to make that judgement when I hardly know anything about you' I continued to go off on what felt like a mental breakdown.

'Sooo... what is it?' Chris asked.

'That Christopher is a very good question; you're just full of those aren't you. Right okay, no more stalling, I am all out of time so I guess it's time to just come out and say it. Like ripping off a band aid, yeah, quick and painless mhhmm' I nodded.

'And?' Taylor coaxed.

'Right, okay so I'm going to ask you something and whatever you have to say I will believe you and we can all go on with our lives as if nothing happened. Oh and trust me when I say I didn't even want to ask this stupid question, I've been trying to bide my time all day and it feels like it's eating away at my insides so really this whole thing might be good for me, who knows?'

'Camila' the youngest Jauregui stated.

'Okay!' I clapped. Here goes nothing. 'So you know earlier when I told you that Phaidra didn't really say any specific to me, yeah that was a lie. She told me that I was in danger staying with you guys and that you were hiding something from me – which is absolutely ridiculous because I've been nothing but honest with you about my past so you would totally do the same right? – Right?' I asked more determinedly since I wasn't getting any response back. Although when I finally did stop my pacing and look up at the five Jauregui's they each looked like a deer caught in headlights.

'Errr...' Chris hummed and turned toward Mike who looked at his wife, who looked at Taylor and then Lauren.

'Oh god' I thought aloud and accidentally caught their attention.

'No Camila it's not like that' Taylor pleaded as she rose from the ground and moved toward me.

'Then what is it like Taylor?' I questioned and took several steps back in the direction of the door.

'Just - everybody calm down, Camila let us explain' Clara requested and gestured for me to re-take my seat. I did as she asked, sitting down slowly and watched them all do the same.

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