Chapter 64

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Camila's POV 

I can't concentrate on finding Ally when all my thoughts are back with Sofi and wondering if this miracle cure is even gonna work. I have to believe it will, but i have this horrible nagging feeling that something's off. It can't be a coincidence that Ally and Dedrick both went missing at the same time, there has to be some sort of connection but whether they were abducted by the same person or maybe Dedrick and Ally got into a fight? God, any answer where Dedrick could be the bad guy in all this makes me feel sick, i've known the guy my entire mortal life and now i'm wondering whether he hurt one of my closest friends. I don't want to think he could be behind all of this but ruling it out would be ignorant and also dangerous on my part, right now everyone is a suspect and hell if i'm wrong i'll apologize. 

Lauren's keeping her distance, not that i blame her. She's been chatting Dinah and Normani's ear off for the past half an hour about their dangerous but also pretty hilarious escapades, when Dinah told us that they broke Tyrus out of prison my jaw dropped to the floor but Lauren just shrugged it off like that was typical Dinah behavior. I always knew she was a funny one, but i figured her to the be the type to play it safe, not run head first into danger. I know Lauren said we'd be okay but i have a feeling i'm not gonna like this little interlude between now and then, i just don't like knowing what's going on in her head. Who's to say she won't turn around and change her mind on me? Hypothetically cheating on your girlfriend with your dead ex-girlfriend is a pretty big eye opener if you ask me. 

I don't know how they deal with cheating in this century but fifty years ago it was largely frowned upon; then again so was being gay. Fuck you outdated political views. 

'I don't like this, we've covered every inch of this place and Ally is nowhere to be found. It's a Camila situation all over again' Lauren huffed and i nodded. This must have been what it felt like looking for me when Zendaya kidnapped me and had me held up in that old abandoned building. They searched the school and all the surrounding areas but came up empty, much like we are now. 

'Okay, if i were an ancient evil dickhead where would i hide a vampire?' Dinah pondered and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. 

'In your ancient evil torture chamber?' Normani joked and Dinah did not look amused. 

'That's actually a really good question, that was a bad answer, but i think Dinah's got the right idea' i spoke up and their eyes fell on me. 

'What do you mean?' Lauren asked and when i looked up into her eyes it made me want to flinch. 

'We need to put ourselves in the Precursors mind. You've just kidnapped an Alpha Werewolf and a High Vampire, what do you do?' i proposed and Normani looked perplexed. 

'You hide them' she said and held her finger up. 'But you wouldn't want someone to accidentally stumble across them so you take them somewhere people are less likely to look, somewhere isolated'  

'Right, and what one place do we know of that every Werewolf is afraid to even go near?'

'The cave' Lauren said decisively. 'But that place is like a maze, even if we all split up there's still a slim chance of finding her' 

'A slim chance is better than no chance Jauregui' Dinah announced and looked at Normani for support. 

'She's right. But we are not splitting up! As the token black girl i am not dying because of some white people horror movie bullshit' she stated and i couldn't help but laugh.

'I'm with you guys, if we split off the Precursor will just pick us off one by one, at least if we're together she'll have to face us head on' I explained and Lauren nodded. 

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