Chapter 42

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Lauren's POV


Camila's in trouble but I had to let her go with Zendaya so I could figure out a way to stop her from whatever it is she's doing. I should have known she was in danger but instead I let my insecurities get the best of me and cloud my better judgement. I let her down yet again, no wonder I found it easy to believe she left on her own terms. But I won't fail her this time; I just need to tear apart a gargoyle first for some information... and my own personal pleasure.

Luckily Hailee is pretty popular around school so all I had to do was ask a few students where to find her and presto, she's in that stupid reading room her group all but claimed.

After storming out of the classroom and watching Camila slip out of view I sped off down the hallways and located the sizable room. Someone's laughter was bouncing off of the walls and the very sound of it made my ears sting. Fucking Sirens. I'm sure Anna and Brittany are lovely people but as of right now my patience and tolerance is zero.

I didn't even bother knocking on the door and practically knocked the thing off it's hinges before grabbing Hailee by the collar and lifting her out of her chair.

'Lauren, what the fuck!' Taylor exclaimed.

'Are you insane?!' Anna added and was quickly backed up by Brittany.

'You can't just come in here and-'

'SHUT UP!' I yelled, throwing them all a deathly glare as red and black irises lit up my view. Once the room was silent I turned back to the ghostly remains of Hailee dangling several feet in the air.

'L-Lauren, wait' she struggled through my iron grip on her neck. Do you have any idea how easy it would be to snap it right now?

'What did Zendaya do to Camila? Tell me~ NOW' I demanded and felt her flinch.

'I can't t-tell y-ou' she squeaked as my grip tightened. Wrong answer. With as much force as I could muster, I pulled Hailee closer to me then fully extended my arm sending her flying across the room. Her back collided harshly with the concrete wall and her body collapsed onto the cold linoleum floor as she clutched at her arms.

'I know you know Hailee! Zendaya, what is she?'

'You know what Lauren, I'm really sick and tired of you pushing everyone around' Taylor snapped.

'Yeah, next time ask nicely' Anna grinned and sucked in a deep breath of air. Uh-oh. I sprinted to the other side of the room at the very second Anna released a depth defying screech that made my bones shake. I narrowly missed the full force of her scream but I knew she had a lot more in her, as long as there's oxygen in a Sirens body they're a deadly force and I was dealing with two of them.

Something I was reminded of when another barrage of sound was sent my way from Brittany.

Each time I jumped out of the way I was barely able to scramble a few steps before wave after wave was shot in my direction. After one poorly timed step I collided with the table in the centre of the room and sent it toppling over along with me and I could hear Anna approaching.

The closer she got the harder it was to even think straight so I grab hold of the table and run forward and full force. She tried to move out of the way but was no match for my Vamp speed and upon contact was crushed between the wooden surface and the corresponding wall. She fell dejectedly against it as Brittany hurtled another even deadlier scream and I stumbled forward after being hit with the aftershock.

I don't work well in small spaces and I'm just wondering how loud this red head has to go before she takes a wall out. That's when I notice Taylor just standing there and decide to take advantage of the situation. I time my movements and wait for another blast to be sent in my direction before ducking behind the blonde. Brittany didn't have the time to reconfigure as she released a large pulsing wave and screamed for Taylor to move.

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