Chapter 47

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Camila's POV




Huh? What the hell is making that sound? Or should I say who? I know that voice but it sounds so far away like a distant memory trying to bring itself to the surface, something I have long suppressed deep into the back of my mind.



...Where have you gone Camila?

Why her? Why now? Why do I have to think about her here in my dreams or should I say my nightmares, I haven't heard that voice in so long, I thought I had all but forgotten it until now. It still has the same childlike tone to it that I grew so fond of with what little time I had with her, but here it's dark and tainted.


...You left us Camila...

...You left me all alone...

I didn't mean to, I fought every day to escape from that prison. I wanted nothing more than to see you again and be the big sister you always wanted. You have to know how much I missed you and wished that you were safe and happy, it's all that got me through it; the hope that one day we would be reunited.

...I'm so alone...

...All alone...


Sofi? No, wait, hold on please. I'm not done, don't go!


...Stop them Camila...

...You have to stop them before they kill...

Stop them? Stop who? I don't understand Sofi who are they going to kill? Are Lauren and her family in danger? Am I in danger? God I wish you were here to explain all of this to me.

...Protect them Camila...




'AAAAAHHHHHHHH!' I screamed and bolted straight up. I flung off the duvet and in my panic, I body checked a shadow a few feet away from me before sprinting out of the door.

'Camila, what's wrong?'

What did all of that mean? I have so many questions but none of the answers. All I know is somethings coming, something big and I need to protect Lauren and her family at all costs. I know it was just a dream, but it felt so real and I have a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I've always trusted my gut and so far it's kept me alive so why ignore it now.

I swatted my way through bushes and weeds until I came to the clearing with Lily's headstone and propped myself down against it. I don't know why but whenever I have a nightmare I always come here, it helps me think and clears my head, it's also the place I feel safest besides Lauren's arms of course.

Lauren. Should I tell her? How can I when I don't even understand it myself, she'd probably just say I'm being paranoid and not to worry about it. But how can I not? My sister shows up in my nightmares and sends me creepy warnings about homicidal maniacs and impending doom. I mean how does a person just ignore something like that? Besides drugs and electro shock therapy obviously.

Recently, the Vampire attack from all those years ago has been the last thing on my mind... not that I'm complaining or anything. But with all the Zendaya stuff, school and Lauren there just hasn't been time to think about anything else. There has to be a reason Sofi would send me that message now, something must be happening, something terrible-

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