Chapter 10

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I don't know how long I sat by my door crying that afternoon, I blocked out everything I could, sight, smell, sound, I just wanted to be closed off from the world even for just a moment. No one came by my room, there were no footsteps near my door, no voices murmuring in the house, either they decided to stay dead silent or they all went out. I was on my own once more, but it wasn't like all the other times when I woke up in my bed and I knew they were all out hunting and would be back soon. This time it felt different, I didn't know where they were and I didn't feel safe and secure. For the first time in the last week or so, I felt lonely, shut out and heavy like a burden on them. I sat against that door, despite the numbness it was causing; I didn't want to move in fear that I'd just damage something else. I looked at the rack that previously held up the morphine and nutrients I needed, I remembered seeing it for the first time, and just freaking out about what foul purpose it could serve. Only to find out that there was no ill use for it, and in fact was being used to help me by a compassionate family of Vampires.

We didn't get off to the best start, but we got there in the end. They were kind and caring and made sure that I didn't put myself in danger. I found out that Chris and I have a few things in common, I had found a friend in Taylor, I felt at home with Clara and Mike, and grown rather fond of Lauren. I didn't mean to cause them so much trouble, or say the things I said, or snap at Lauren the way that I did, or yell at Taylor so harshly. Maybe it would have been better if they had just left me there to die.

'Camila?' a sudden rough voice knocked on the door. 'Camila, can I come in? I have your breakfast. I made you something special, do you like Bacon?'

'I'm n-not hungry' I replied rather raspily, my throat was sore from all my tears and hoarse from my rant at them earlier.

'Are you sure? It smells really good, I might even eat it' Mike laughed lightly. He sounded so hopeful, like he might break if I denied him, so I wiped away at my tears and stood up. I dusted myself down and straightened out Lauren's clothes before opening the door. A stray tear found its way down my face and I heard him release a sympathetic sigh. 'Oh honey, don't cry' he walked into the room and placed the tray on the coffee table before returning his attention to me.

'I just-' I sniffled, a fresh wave of tears cascading down my face.

'What? What's wrong?'

'I feel so... conflicted, I don't know what to do' I tried to explain and felt him engulf me in a strong hug.

'Hey sshh, that's okay. You don't need to know what to do right now' he reassured me.

'I'm so sorry'

'You have nothing to be sorry for Camila'

'I'm sorry for being like this, for making your life harder'

'Camila stop it, don't be ridiculous. You didn't make our life harder, you made it better'

'Sometimes I think you should have just left me in that Warehouse' His hold grew tighter once I had said that, and I could feel him tense like my words caused him pain.

'Don't you ever say that Camila, never' his words were stern but still sincere.

'But it's true-' I protested and he released me from his hold, only to bend down to ground level and take each of my hands in his.

'It's not true Camila; I could never have left you there. No matter what happens; if I could go back in time I wouldn't have done anything differently, except maybe try and get to you sooner or stop all of those horrible things from happening to you. So I don't want to hear it' I dropped down to his level and looked down at the ground through watery eyes.

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