Chapter 65

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Lauren's POV 

What in Gods name is that girl thinking!? She's gonna get herself killed!! And by the sound of it she doesn't much care either way. I know i was being a douche and put some space between us but i needed it, i didn't know Camila would take it personally, or that she would take off on her own and leave us hanging. We're gonna have some serious words when i save her ass again and make her realize what an idiot she's being, what do i have to do to make her understand that she's not just sacrificing herself for the 'greater good' she's forcing me to lose her which is something i just won't stand for. She wanted me, she's got me, now until the end of days and that day is not today. Mark my words, i'll protect her, no matter what and in whatever way i can. So long as their is strength in my body and love for her in my heart, there's nothing that could keep me from her, no matter how old or dangerous these Precursors are. 

You don't underestimate a Jauregui. And you especially don't underestimate a Vampire in love with a stubborn Werewolf who lives her life with reckless abandonment despite almost dying a handful of times already. 

'Lauren focus, what are we doing here? Are we going after Camila or finding Ally?' Dinah asked but before i could answer Normani spoke first. 

'Camila's gone full Werewolf, we should be able to track her scent, she's fast but we'll find her'

What did i want to do? Ally is our priority but if Camila gets hurt and i'm not there i don't know what i'd do. She seemed so sure when she ran off, it really is do or die for her and while that is unsettling she made her choice, i just have to pray that she holds out long enough for us to find Ally and then meet up with her later. You better not die Cabello, least not until we change that last name of yours. That was the tradition when she was born right? Or maybe she'd wanna hyphenate it seeing as how she's modernizing now? Am i seriously thinking about marriage? This is what imminent doom does to a person, and besides i'm only 80, i've got my whole life to think about that stuff. 

'No, we get Ally first then we find Camila. She can take care of herself and Ally's been here long enough, let's go get our girl' i announced and Normani placed her hand on my shoulder. 

'And then we'll go and get your girl' she assured me and i nodded my head. 

'Then let's get this show on the road, i can already hear that little pipsqueaks disapproving voice' Dinah groaned and took off in a sprint. 

'It took you how long to find me!?' Normani said imitating Ally. 

'I'm not getting any younger here' Dinah copied. 

'Lauren Michelle Jauregui, you let Camila run off!?' i added and we all laughed. That was until we heard a resonating laughter that outlasted our own, it was sharper, more menacing and sent a bone chilling shiver down my spine. 

'Er, what the heck was that?' Normani asked stopping in her tracks.   

'She's here' i replied and looked around to locate the source of the voice. 

'She who Lauren?'

'The Precursor, the fox demon, the one who attacked Camila and I and is somehow responsible for putting all those Werewolves back at camp into a coma' i explained. 

'Well shit'

The laughing stopped and i listened closely for another noise, you can imagine what happened when i heard a scuffing sound against the cold floor and took off after it without a moments hesitation. Dinah and Normani followed in suit as we maneuvered the winding tunnels to the origin of the sound that seemed to be moving at an incredible pace. What was the point of alerting us to it's presence only to high tail it and run? Another intricate part of the trap maybe? Leading us further into the cave until we lose our way then wipe us out before we find Ally OR Camila? Hell she could be leading us to Ally's mangled corpse for all i know, and i don't know why i keep imagining the worst possible outcome since it isn't helping my already shot nerves but i can't help it. You can rot if you think i'm gonna bury Ally, out of all us she'll be the one wishing us a peaceful rest, so god help me. 

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