Chapter 97

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Sofi's POV 

"It's this way, it's definitely this way... nope, i'm sure now, it's that way, those trees don't look familiar" If i kill her here in what is wholeheartedly considered the outback of Werewolf country no one would ever find her, and if by chance some poor unfortunate soul did, well they wouldn't think anything of it let alone care even the slightest. And yet, every time i muster up the strength to do it she looks at me with that warm, flirtatious grin on her face and i just can't bring myself to murder her in literal cold blood. Instead i have resorted to the silent protest of meditation while she walks back and forth talking to herself. 

Don't get me wrong i have tried explaining to her that we're almost absolutely incredibly lost, but she refuses to accept that fact and has been dragging the two of us around this god forsaken forest for the better part of an hour. I like her a lot but i cannot and will not walk another step until we know for sure we're going in the right direction, you'd think our shared heightened senses would make it easier but my 'lady problem' is interfering with my Wolf radar. I'm not sure what Phaidra's excuse is, probably arrogance, or maybe an over inflated ego, no wait, wait i got it; she's secretly an idiot, minus the secret part.

"Cutie, i get that you're frustrated, both emotionally and sexually" she giggled as she came over and knelt down in front of me. My eyes were closed but i could feel the cold chill radiating off of her body so i knew she was pretty close, what i didn't expect was the icy pair of lips pressed gently against my skin. Out of shock i blinked my eyes open and was met by dark irises piercing into my own and long red tresses tickling my cheeks. "But i would really appreciate it if you'd stay focused" 

"Staying focused isn't the problem" i stated, rolling my eyes and standing upright out of her embrace. "We're lost, which is supernaturally impossible for obvious reasons!"

"I know, i admit it and you're right, we shouldn't be having this problem" she nodded and moved back into my personal space, taking my hands in her own and stroking them softly. "But, before you start getting angry at me, i would like to alert you to the fact that is partially your fault too"

How in the world is this my fault!? Neither of us are familiar with the area so that's nobody's fault, but we're both exceptionally gifted in tracking, scavenging and recon. Three qualities that funnily enough make us perfect for hunting down prey, or in this case an entire building's worth of Werewolves in the middle of nowhere. However, as if have previously mentioned i have... 'Werewolf-Flu' and can't make my senses do what i want them to. That is why the answer to her statement, whether it makes sense or not, is no. 

"You wanna clue me in on the how you got to this conclusion?" i asked, my expression remaining steely and annoyed while she just hummed amusingly to herself. 

"Oh i don't know, maybe because someone picked an inopportune time to go into heat and now i can't seem to concentrate on anyone else's breathing, scent or movements except yours" she explained as my jaw went slack and a long 'ooooooohhhhhhh' sat on the tip of my tongue. Well, when you put it that way i suppose it's pretty hard to argue; watch me do it anyway. 

"Phaidra, please don't tempt me into a conversation i know i won't be able to turn down and instead just tell me what i can do to help" I said, freeing my hands and taking several large steps backwards. 

"I assure you, i had no intention of doing so until you brought it up" She chuckled. "Are you sure you wouldn't like some more details? Like how incredible you smell? Or how delicious I imagine you'd taste-"

"Ahhhhhhh--la-la-la not listening, i can't hear you!!!" I yelled, holding my hands over my ears and running around in a circle. 

"Alright, alright, hey, Sofi!!" she exclaimed, prying my hands off of my head and holding them at my sides. "I was just messing with you. As to how we fix this, i'm gonna need you to wolf out" she explained and i shot her a What-Kinda-Kinky-Shit-Are-You-Into kind of look.

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