Chapter 100

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Ally's POV 

Four hundred years old and i still can't catch a break, this is some kinda bullshit. It was already demeaning enough getting kidnapped and used as bait but now, i just got caught in a deep dark secret i promised never to tell another living soul; and just to rub salt in the wound if the person i made that promise to finds out she'll never forgive me. There's just one teeny tiny problem, the reason i've never brought it up is because i can't lie to Normani or Dinah even if it would save my life, they always manage to see right through me. The only time they ever believed a lie i told them was my first and last, and the only reason i got away with it is because i'd said it so many times before our first encounter that i'd started to believe it myself. I was never supposed to bump into Troy again, i literally fled to the other side of the world to get away from him. Maybe it was a little naive of me to think that two immortal beings wouldn't eventually bump into one another again, i just figured i'd be alone when it happened. 

Now i have witnesses and a lie i can't wriggle my way out of. 

"Ally, what the hell was that guy talking about? You're not a High Vampire, right? Because i mean that's the sort of thing you tell your friends when you first meet them" Normani stated and in my heart i knew she wasn't wrong. I hadn't made the pact when i first met these two, in fact it wasn't till much later and i didn't have a reason to hide it from them at the time except maybe that i was afraid they might look at me differently. The way they're looking at me right now. 

"C'mon Ally, what's the deal, is this guy crazy or what? I'll happily chalk it up to a case of mistaken identity" Dinah chimed in, her arms folded with a hopeful yet slightly dissapointed look on her face. 

Goddammit Allison, what to do, what to do!? I suppose it couldn't hurt to tell them, we're almost in the clear and soon what with Dedrick gone there won't be any need to worry about what my special circumstance might mean, or anyone else's for that matter. Just so long as nothing else goes wrong between now and when we get back to Lauren's house, hell even then. Curse you Ogletree!!

"Oh my god it's... true, isn't it?" Normani gasped and looked over at Dinah. 

"Ally Cat, why didn't you ever say anything?" She asked and i grabbed both of them by the arm before walking over to a quiet darkened corner. I can't remember the last time i had felt true fear and i've almost died several times over the centuries, however in this moment i felt worse than fearful, i felt human. Like the first time a girl confesses her feelings to the cute boy she likes or the day the closeted bisexual finally gets up the courage to tell their parents that they like both genders and no that doesn't make them an indecisive slut; it just means they've got a hell of a lot of love to go around. That kind of righteous 'i know i'm doing the right thing but God would i rather just curl up into a ball and die' sort of feeling. 

I should have told them, i could have told them but High Vampires have a bad reputation for being stuck up, egotistical assholes who only care about themselves. If you've ever read Harry Potter you'll know what i'm talking about, it's very stereotypical Slytherin behaviour, being pure blooded and all of that other nonsense. At the end of the day we're still Vampires, and we're still susceptible to the same temptations and transgressions of other Vampires, we just have a long and proud lineage that predates any other Supernatural creature. Sorry, let's stop beating around the bush and actually get to the heart of the problem, so what are High Vampires? Long story short, they are Vampires who were born and not bitten. Now you're probably thinking 'Ally, how do two Vampires procreate when they're both dead?' I'll tell you. A shit ton of magic. 

Now it's maybe not in the way that you're thinking. A Witch Doctor like Tyrus doesn't bless the conception or anything like that, it all predates to the OG Vampires. Whatever it was that put us on this Earth bound us all together and we're all connected by the one thing that drives us, that we crave, and that thing is obviously blood. You don't need to have heard about Dracula to know that. Oh and if you're wondering how the first human Vampires came to be? Well, remember the Precursors? The Vampire Precursor bit a handful of human disciples granting them powers beyond belief and life everlasting, these people were to be the basis and the foundation of the Vampire community you see today. 

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