Chapter 74

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Camila's POV 

'So this is where you call home now?' i said as i walked into the wide open loft and examined the spacious living area. It wasn't exactly what i expected and yet it suited her to a T, she and Dedrick are nothing alike and i can tell as much just from the decor alone. Dedrick thought of himself as Werewolf royalty and built his fortress of solitude, filling it with his many loyal followers and guarding it's walls like a dragon guards it's treasure. Keana however, she could probably afford to live anywhere in the world, in the biggest compound known to man and yet here i am standing in a simple yet elegant studio apartment. There was nothing overly spectacular about it, beside maybe the flashy kitchenware, flat screen TV and surround sound system; to the average human Keana would appear to be a typical middle class citizen. 

If only they knew what she was really capable of, this loft wouldn't seem so homey after that. 

'Yep, this is home. Make yourself comfortable Cabello, for the next three days what's mine is yours' she replied casually and gestured to her surroundings. 

'Only for the next three days? Guess i'll have to make the most of it then' i giggled, settling down onto what was easily the comfiest sofa i have ever had the pleasure of sitting on, however briefly.

'Hey, let's keep the blood stained clothes off the furniture yeah?' she tutted and waved her hands at me to stand up. 

'Right, almost forgot about that' i said, mostly talking to myself with that last part as i examined the torn up remains of my shirt. That precursor really did a number on me. I'm surprised no one said anything about my appearance when i walked into the bar, although given the fights that went down there once upon a time it's probably not uncommon to see a patron covered in blood; their own or otherwise. 

'Here, i'll get you some fresh clothes you can change into' Keana offered and wandered over to the corner of the room toward a beat up looking trunk. She unceremoniously kicked the latch and rummaged through it until she found what she was looking for. A pair of sweats and a black tank top were dropped into my lap and i smiled appreciatively. 

'Bathroom?' i questioned and followed her line of sight as she pointed to a small hallway on the far side of the room. 

'Down the hall, last door on your left' she explained. 'Want some dinner, you look like you could use a warm meal?' 

'Why, because i almost died, or because i look like the victim in a horror movie?' i joked and she rolled her eyes.

'All of the above, now was there an answer in there somewhere?' 

'I could eat a cow, does that answer your question?' I said as i began walking toward the hallway. 

'We're Werewolves Camila, we could eat ten cows, but i'll rustle us up something anyway. I'm starving' 

That was the last thing i heard before the satisfying click of the bathroom door and a wall of quiet hit me like a ton of bricks. Suddenly every thought i'd been repressing since i walked away from Sofi and Lauren and the girls came sprinting back in full force, it also didn't help that the clothes in my hand reminded me of the one's Lauren had lent me many moons ago. They didn't smell like her at all but the moment that thought slipped into my mind i could smell nothing but that strong Vanilla scent all around me. It was just as addictive a hundred miles away as it was being in her arms, a not so warm yet familiar feeling my body was craving. Although, i would be lying if i said it wasn't slightly liberating, the distance between us, the freedom it granted me. Ever since i met Lauren and her family my life became an endless cycle of duty and obligation, the moment i realized their lives were in my hand i took that weight upon my shoulders without hesitation. 

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