Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV

So I found out what the special hint of something else was in my scent – apparently there's a faint Vanilla aroma that surrounds me. That's news to me but between you and I, I kind of like that my scent is distinguishable from everyone else by this single aspect and that Camila finds it pleasant. I don't know what I would do if I knew that she couldn't bear to be around me because of the way I smell, there's not a lot you can do about it when you're ingrained in time permanently. I mean, we can still lose and gain weight, and cut our hair and have it grow back but there are a few things that will forever remain the same; our pale skin for instance, although I've been pale for most of my adolescence so not much has changed there.

I too have remained mostly the same, not that I'm surprised or anything ninety years isn't really that much time. Well, not if you have the potential to live forever that is. But my personality, my character hasn't changed substantially and when you have to kill to survive you would have thought something might have come out of that. I guess I was lucky enough to have my family around to help and guide me through the transition, who knows what I might have become had I faced this endeavour alone. I don't even want to think about how Camila is dealing with all of this without her mother or sister by her side, my family and I have been shoulder to shoulder for almost a hundred years but Camila only had hers for the first 18 years of her life. She really is one of the strongest people I've ever met.

'Lauren, stop staring at the wall and come try this!' The Werewolf in question yelled from the kitchen. You see ever since she figured out that Vampires can eat human food she's been trying to mix blood and food together. Let me tell you she wasn't very amused when I reminded her that black pudding was already a thing but that didn't stop her.

I picked myself up off the couch and walked into the kitchen to see the younger girl flipping what looked like a discoloured pancake into the air and successfully catching it before sliding it off onto a plate. She looked so at ease, so at home with her surroundings like she was taking to everything without as much as a bat of her eyelids. It's like the fact that she is in a completely different time and generation doesn't faze her, it'll be interesting to see what finally does pose a challenge.

'I wasn't staring at the wall, I was thinking' I corrected her and took a seat at the island. Soon a plate was being placed in front of me along with a knife and fork, followed by what looked like syrup but a slightly darker colour like it had been mixed with something.

'Well now you can think about how awesome this is when you stop talking and start eating' she smiled and sat down beside me. I picked up the two silver utensils and cut a small piece out of the large circular pancake before popping the morsel into my mouth and taking a few small chews. As soon as it touched the tip of my tongue I knew she had mixed animal blood into the mixture and I had to say it was pretty good, but it wasn't until my second bite that I realized I was being heavily watched and looked up to meet with brown eyes boring into my own.

'Yes Camz?' I chuckled, covering my mouth with my hand.

'Are you serious?' she huffed and a frown graced her perfect features.

'What?' I asked coyly, very high key loving the look on her face right now. She's so adorable when she's all pouty like that, I just want to kiss it off and watch her beautiful smile take its place. How did I become so infatuated with a simple look?

'Lauren! I want to know if you like it' she stated and watched with annoyance as instead of answering her question I took another much larger bite. When I finally swallowed, I noted she had her arms crossed and a -you-better-answer-my-question-now-or-I'm-going-to-take-that-knife-and-stab-you-with-it look on her face.

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