Chapter 41

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Camila's POV

Zendaya dragged me to school the following week although it didn't take much persuasion, one touch and I'd jump straight into a Volcano for her. She coaxed my arm around her waist as hers was wrapped around my shoulders and she guided me down the halls. Everyone's eyes were on us but my head was too clouded to care about what they thought and I had been instructed pre-emptively just to keep my head down and only speak when she told me too. I don't know what's worse, this or being chained to one spot for a bazillion years.

'Hey Mila, Zen? What's going on here?' Anna asked when we walked into the same small room from before. Brittany was sat scrolling through her phone while Taylor perplexingly pondered an apparently very interesting math question.

'Oh you know the usual' Zendaya smirked and sat me down beside her without removing her hand.

'She's under your control isn't she?' Brittany spoke up disappointedly.

'Hey it's just a little harmless fun, I'll let her go when I'm finished with her' she replied easily like she had done this a thousand times before. I wanted to speak, to ask the girls for help but I couldn't even form one syllable let alone a sentence. I may as well have been dead inside, or that's how I felt anyway.

'You know some people don't like being your play thing Zen' Brittany added and the menace beside me shrugged.

'I don't recall hearing you complain about our time together' she winked and suddenly I felt sick.

'Yeah whatever, it was a one time lapse of judgement' she argued and Anna mocked her playfully.

'You loved it, c'mon' she teased and received an elbow in the arm from Brittany.

'Taylor back me up here' she pleaded to the blonde who still had her nose in a book.

'Yeah, sure I agree with Brittany' she said vaguely but the ginger took it anyway.

'Suck it!' she exclaimed sticking her tongue out. Just when I thought this boring conversation would never end Hailee walked in the room and my anticipation shot through the roof, she'll help me, I know she will.

'Hey guys, hey Mila' she greeted and when everyone replied but me she shot a steely glare at Zendaya.

'I can't believe you went through with it!' she exclaimed. Wait what? She knew this was going to happen to me and didn't do anything to stop it? I thought she was my friend, I thought I could trust her but it seems you can't trust anyone these days. I should have known better.

'Eurgh, chillax you're gonna get stress lines' Zendaya replied calmly.

'Lauren was looking for her yesterday, she's going to know something's up' You knew that this could have been happening and you didn't tell her, Lauren was right there, she could have prevented all of this. But no, you kept your mouth shut and let it happen anyway, some kind of friend.

'Lauren's not gonna care because Camila officially moved out yesterday, poor girl was heartbroken' the dark haired demon pouted.

'Why the hell would you do that?' Anna remarked.

'Oh let that little bitch squirm for a while, I plan to have some fun with this, it's harmless' Yeah if only they knew how harmless it wasn't.

'I hope you know what you're doing Zen because if this comes back to bite you in the ass-' Hailee started but was interrupted and felt a hand on your shoulder.

'Alright drama queen I got it, sheesh, go sit on a skyscraper or something' she chuckled. 'Anyway, I'm gonna go show off my new trophy. Did you see Jauregui on your way in?'

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