Chapter 28

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Camila's POV

Well what the hell am I supposed to do now? Is there some sort of step by step process I should be following to deal with this kind of thing? I mean how is one supposed to react when your enemy tells you that the people you live with, the people you've grown to trust are keeping something from you. Something apparently so dire that it would be in my best interest to get out of there as quickly as possible and never turn back. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty dangerous to me, but what could it be?

Or maybe they're not hiding anything at all and Phaidra just wanted to get into my head. Maybe there is no secret, she just saw her opportunity to have some fun and planted doubts in my head about the Jauregui's motives; now all she needs to do is wait and watch the chaos that follows. If I even allow it to get that far. Do I believe her? I think that's the most important question we have to ask ourselves right now, because if I don't and they really are hiding something then my life could be in danger. And if I do, and it turns out that they're not hiding anything then I destroy all the trust we've built up over the last month. And we have to decide quickly because I don't know how long I have until Lauren wakes up and she's going to have a hundred questions that I have zero answers too. I pulled the tree out of her, tidied up the house as best I could and warmed up some blood for her to drink. It's just a matter of time.

Come on Camila, you know the Jauregui's, how good they've been to you don't throw it all away now. You trust them with your life, they saved you, and I don't believe they would do anything to jeopardize that. Especially since they've had every opportunity and every possible excuse to kill me if they wanted to, my guard is so low I have no guard at all. They've given me no reason to believe they mean me any harm, I'm just being paranoid. My curiosity is just getting the best of me. But what could be the harm in just asking? If they have nothing to hide then so be it, if they tell me straight up that they're not hiding anything from me then I will take them at their word. Any sign of hesitation I'll call their bluff and what they do after that, we'll just go from there. If I'm in danger I'll run, and if not then I'll hear them out. How bad could it be? I mean come on, have you met Taylor? She wouldn't hurt a fly... right?

Okay this is just getting ridiculous; we don't even know who the secret is about. It could only be about one of them for all I know; I really wish Phaidra had been more specific, but I'm guessing she was counting on this little dilemma I'm having. And it looks like my time just ran out, as a loud grunt carried into the living room where I was pacing – Lauren's awake.

'Camz! Camila, are you okay!' she yelled and stumbled clumsily out of the bedroom. I hurried over quickly and guided her back to sit down then placed the mug in her hands. After a reassuring smile from me she downed the contents of the cup and took a few deep breaths while her wound healed.

'Feel better?' I asked meekly trying to cover up my inner turmoil.

'Where's Phaidra? Is she still here? Did she do anything to you?' Lauren questioned in quick succession, looking me over and analysing all of my features for a wound or slight imperfection. Something in Lauren's gaze told me that if Phaidra was in fact still here Lauren would probably chase her to the ends of the earth if it meant she could get her revenge for even looking at me. I had to believe in that Lauren, not the one that is hiding something potentially dangerous from me.

'No she's gone' I replied pressing my palms together.

'Well where did she go? Did she say anything to you?' and there was question one of the ninety nine others I could not answer.

'She just left; I was a little too preoccupied pulling a tree out of your large intestine to see which direction she ran off in' I answered curtly.

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